Senior Year

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Y/n's pov

"LAST FIRST DAY BITCHESSS" Mindy says bursting through my front door. I've got to start locking that.

Amber and Tara were already here, while Mindy came with Chad Wes and liv. Since there's a few of us Chad Mindy liv and Wes usually ride together while Amber Tara and I will take the Jeep.

I love that fucking car it's my world. After Amber of course... maybe just a tiny bit more.

" Mindy can't you just be normal in the morning at least" I say, it's still to early for me to deal with that right now.

"No I can't. And you know that." Mindy retorts.

"I wouldn't want it any other way" I say back. Ugh she's too beautiful to stay annoyed with.

As we all leave out and head to school I stand back and take a look at all of my friends, and my beautiful girlfriend.

I take a mental picture this is a memory for us. Little did I know it'd be the last good memory for a while as well...


We arrive at school and I couldn't be more excited. I just have to get through this school year and I'm done with high school forever. I can focus on my stunning girlfriend and our careers.

"Alright everyone we all know the drill, we've got our schedules, meet up at our spot during free period okay"

Everyone let off a bunch of okays, got it's, and see you laters as they all went their separate ways.

I take Ambers hand following Tara behind considering starting our first 3 periods we had the same classes. Then I have to go to my student council meeting while tara goes to art and Amber heads off to guitar class.

"Guys you cant tell me Mr Ryan isn't someone you wouldn't turn straight for I mean look at him." I try reasoning with the other women but they just aren't having it.

"He's hot y/n, but not turn straight hot" Tara responds looking at me.

"Oh cmon that doesn't even count your half straight anyway" I tease the younger girl slightly pushing her shoulder. I look at Amber.

"Babe, you wouldn't turn straight for Mr Ryan" I ask my girlfriend hoping she'd back me up.

All I get back from her was a simple but effective "no" and a few eye daggers shot my way.

"Fine be like that then, he's mine anyway" I open my mouth to say something else but Mr Ryan had other plans for me.

"Ms. Macher, perfect you can come up here and introduce yourself to those who don't know you. You don't mind right since you're already talking and all."

"Anything you need Mr Ryan." I stand up walking to the front of the class.

"Hi guy my name is Y/n Macher, Im a Taurus, I'm 18 years old, I have a beautiful girlfriend of 4 years, and ummm my dad was an accomplice to the first ghostface murders of woodsboro." I finish off with a clap of my hands walking back to my seat.

"Thank you for the overshare Ms. Macher" Mr Ryan said.

"I'm here anytime you need me Mr. Ryan." I counteract. Mr Ryan actually knows my moms they grew up together kind of like Amber Tara and I. He knew my sarcasm was next level and he payed me no mind when it came to the shit that came from my mouth.

All in all he's a great guy though...still doesn't change the fact that I'd love to fuck th-

"Y/n!" Amber says waving her hand in my face.

***** time skip *****

"Okay guys for those of you who are new to these meetings we leave 15 minutes earlier to make sure we have enough time to get everything we need before lunch/ freeperiod. If you have any questions leave them with my vice president and I'll get back to later on. Everyone good" I say looking at all my members of the student council board.

A chorus of yes's were heard around as I'm walking out to go meet my girlfriend and best friend at their respective classes so we can all walk to lunch together.

I usually go to guitar with Amber to wait for Tara so that's where I'm on my way to now.

As I walk in there's not many students which is usually how it is. I walk over to our guitar teacher giving him our annual fist bump.

"Hey Macher, how was your summer?" He asked me

"Eh it was alright Mr. Kerr how about you?" I ask back.
As he rants about his summer which I would have no problem listening to if I hadn't looked up and met the beautiful brown orbs of my girlfriend.

"I'm really glad you enjoyed yourself Mr Kerr, I'll see you later" I walk off going to meet Amber in a loving kiss.

"Mmm hi baby" she whispered against my lips.

"Hello" I whisper back pulling her back to where she usually practices in this small back room with very dim lighting. I'm surprised Mr Kerr allows us back here together he knows we're dating.

"How's your day been so far" she asks me sweetly.

"Really good I like all my teachers. Thank god. How about you." I respond picking up her guitar from the stand playing a few chords on it.

"Eh you know how school is with me" Amber says back fixing the strap of the guitar on my shoulder. I love how she notices the small things.

A few minutes had passed and it was time to go meet Tara at her art class which was right down the hall from where we were and in no time we were making our way outside to meet up with the group at our picnic table we claimed as our freshman year. No one has dared to sit there since.

"There's the triple threat!" Mindy screams as we get closer to our respective tables.

"We are more than happy to finally grace you guys with our presence" I speak up greeting everyone.

"Okay so spill what's happening in the meetings." Liv says wrapping her arm around me leading me to sit next to her and Chad. Amber sits on the table top putting legs on either side of me allowing me to rest my head in her lap.

This is usually how it goes. I tell them everything that's gonna be happening in the next few weeks at school so they all can be prepared and not just smacked in the face when news hits them.

"It sounds like we're gonna have an amazing school year, but I can't wait for this day to be over with man. Matter of fact I can't wait for this whole damn school year to be over with" Chad speaks up honestly for all of us considering we were all thinking the same thing.

Third chapter is up! I'm on a fucking roll! I don't really like this chapter but i tried my best hope it's worth your guys while.

Qotd- how old are you guys?
Sotd- nobody gets me by sza

You and me {Amber Freeman}Where stories live. Discover now