The Truth...

105 7 3

Y/n's pov

It's been a few weeks since the incident, Amber had to have surgery because she lost a lot of blood but she's doing a lot better now, and gets released from the hospital today, and I couldn't be happier.

Thanks to Richie's stupid fucking "evil elaborate plan" and having the best damn attorneys on the planet as my mothers Amber, liv and I were able to slip right through the shadows.

Because of the "trauma" our school went through, they passed our entire senior class and we all got sent our diplomas through the mail.

But that's all over with Amber is safe, Richie's dead, my dad isn't constantly pestering me anymore and I'm truly happy for the first time in my life.

Sam walks into the room interrupting me from my thoughts, closing the door softly behind her.

"Hey where's Tara?" I ask.

"It's just me today. I'm gonna take you guys home, but I want to talk to you first."

"Okay." I glance at Amber, then look back to Sam. "What's up" I ask

"I'm getting Tara out of here, away from all of this and I want you two to come with, we both do."

"Wait really" I ask completely shocked. She holds a hand up stopping me from going forward.

"Before anything, I need you guys to be completely honest with me and explain everything. That other ghostface said Richie told her about your guys's plan."

"We don't know what you're talking abou-"

"Don't fucking bullshit me" She interrupts Amber, making me raise a brow. "What the hell was Richie and that other girl talking about? I'm not stupid so just tell me the truth."

Amber folds her arms staying quiet. Don't look at me. Please don't look at me... "Y/n" I look away closing my eyes. "Y/n, look at me."

My stupid fucking sight sockets fail me as I feel her place her index finger and thumb on my chin lifting my head, I meet her eyes and my breath hitches right before I'm snatched away by Amber.

"What the fuck, back off. You can't flirt your way through this Sam, not with me here." She pulls me behind her, but I stop her before she goes too far.

"It's okay Ambs, I trust Sam with my life. We need to tell her."

So, we do, we tell Sam everything from start to finish leaving out the credit for those extra kills I came upon on, to say she was speechless would be an understatement, but Sam knows me, she knows me possibly more than anyone in my life and in the end she understood.

"Sooo, where are we going?" I ask trying to get the energy back up quickly.

"New York" Sam answers grabbing Ambers bag from me, making her way out the door.

"That's such a cliché place to be." I respond following behind her grabbing Ambers hand interlocking our fingers.

"Shut up," she laughs. "It's where Tara, and Mindy wants to go to college, I've already sent everyone's application in, and they accepted all of you with no problem considering the year you guys went through. So that's where we will be going." She speaks.

"Yes ma'am" I smile making Amber pinch my hand.

"Ouch." I fake hurt, leaning over to kiss her forehead earning me that beautiful smile of hers.

We make it to the house and before we get out the car, Sam stops us.

"I've already talked to your moms all you have to do is make sure you have everything packed and ready to go we'll be leaving in a week."

You and me {Amber Freeman}Where stories live. Discover now