Part 2

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The morning after Valkyrie woke first of the two women. After lying with Carol in her arms for a while she decided it was time to wake her. She placed a kiss on the top of the woman's head and whispered "Carol honey it's time to wake up it's 8am"

Carol only shook her head and wined a no into her neck and she cuddled closer. And tightened her grip. "Nooo" she wined again after Valkyrie giggled at carols cuteness. "Baby I will go make us coffee and how about pancakes."

Carol quickly lifted her head up with a grin on her face. "God I love you" she grinned. Not thinking that she just told her girlfriend she loved her for the first time. But Valkyries smile one grew. Carol couldn't help but have panic in her eyes "I'm.." she started but she was soon stopped but vals lips "don't you dare say sorry marv I was to busy trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm the luckiest girl in the world." She placed another soft kiss on carols forehead then her nose then her lips. "I love you too car". The blonde could only giggle like a teenager as she straddled her girlfriend's hips.

A little while later Val dressed in some of carols boxers and long flannel top padded Down stairs to finally make the pancakes she promised her love a hour earlier. She got to work with making the batter and coffee. She was in a comfortable silence thinking of her girl playing up the pancakes for the house when she head a scream and some one shout "OH MY GOD" At the top of their lungs. Suddenly Carol and the rest of the khans appeared in the kitchen "Kamala what is it!" Yusuf. "I knew it I knew it I knew it" she grinned as Carol went to stand next to Valkyrie. "What is happening?" Muneeba questioned.

"Yusuf muneeba this is my girlfriend Val. Val honey this is Yusuf muneeba and your remember Kamala" Carol introduced the 3 people. "Nice to meet you all" Valkyrie smiled as she put her hand out to shake but muneeba pulled her in for a hug quickly followed by Yusuf.

"Kamala you need to breath. Kamala!"carol almost shouted to get the young girls attention.
"This is better than my fan fiction" she mumbled as she came out her trance. "Sorry what!" Carol asked as the all sat down to eat as Val was serving them. Kamala only put her head down and starting shovelling pancakes into her mouth.

The family settled into a happy conversation mainly muneeba trying to find out everything possible from the blondes girlfriend.

After breakfast the two women headed to carols room. Carol was sat on the bed stroking goose whilst Val got dressed for the day. "Will you please talk to Kamala about this fan fiction thing the last thing in this world I need it Thor finding out about it. He will never let it go" "mmmhh" Carol only nodded to distracted by her girlfriends body. Who wouldn't be distracted by Valkyrie only in her sports bra and borrowed boxers. "Danvers eyes up here please" Val smirked as she walked over to the blonde and straddled her legs. Carol could only smile as she grabbed vals thighs. "Are you sure Asgard needs there king today hilde" the blond almost whispered as her forehead met vals. Val uncontrollably smirking now at the nickname that was only used when they were feeling their most vulnerable.

"Unfortunately I have a meeting with your husband my love and several other rulers or I would love to spend the day with you and the Khans." Val replied

Val had been the one to give Carol the go to get married to Yan. She knew it was temporary and they wasn't even together then. Just until he could convince his mother to allow gay marriage. Even though it stung sometimes and gave her a chance to wind her girlfriend up.

"Come on don't be like that you know he's my friend. You gave us the go ahead after all Hilde" Carol said with a sad face.

"I know I'm joking you gonna come say hi tonight to him? I will invite him to find with us tonight" Val questioned as she cocked her head her face still in carols hand. 

"I would love nothing more. You gonna invite korg and Thor?"

"I suppose so? Are the khans joining?"

"No I think they have a party to attend to"

"Ok I will see you at say 5?" Val questioned.

"It's a date" Carol smiled as she kissed the others nose. Val continued to get dressed after their conversation. She reminded Carol to convince Kamala to take down all the fanfic on about them before Thor found it. And took off again back to Asgard.

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