Showdown between rivals

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A loud bang reverberated through the walls, startling Y/n out of her fear-induced daze. You quickly lifted your head and looked towards the door, where Damien's impatient expression was reflected in the reflection of the polished wood. Damien banged on the door once more, his desperate eyes locked onto Y/n as the sound of angry footsteps filled the air. Michael appeared suddenly in the doorway and his body blocked your only exit. Your heart raced in your chest, your thoughts scattered and your breaths ragged.

Michael let go of his grip on you and he slowly approached the front door. Suddenly, Damien's voice can be heard from the other side and he seems furious, he shouts like a madman, "I know you're both in there so open this fucking door or I swear I'll force my way inside, I'm gonna kick this damn door open!", he yelled at Michael and he was getting impatient every minute. Michael just stood there and watched Damien through the door monitor. After a while, the door burst open and you saw a raging mad version of Damien. "Where the fuck is she? What did you do to her?", he darted his deadly gaze at Michael but his rival remained unfazed, he was rather amused by the situation and then he chuckled and replied, "Oh her? Well I haven't done anything to her just yet, I like to save the fun for later, you know me", he smirked and kept provoking Damien which only made him even more furious than he already was.

You felt scared for a moment, Damien was indeed a cold and reserved man, and upon witnessing this new side of him, you were appalled. There was an awkward silence in the room and the tension growing was unbearable, you could see your fiancé clenching his fists and gritting his teeth out of anger and it seemed that he was trying to hold himself back from being overwhelmed by his emotions as he didn't want to hurt him.

Michael's smirk grew wider and he continued to mock Damien, he's pushing him over the edge. "Come on, if you want to save her then why don't you try and get her from me, don't bottle up your emotions, by the way, she's beautiful no wonder you chose her to be your bride but I guess I have to take her away from you, you can't always have the good things in life you know? That's unfair, I also need to take back what's mine", his smirk turned into a devilish grin, as if he was up to no good. "She'll make a fine wife for sure don't you think?", he chuckled and continued to mock him and Damien was losing it.

Damien couldn't hold his anger anymore, he then charged towards Michael and grabbed him by the collar aggressively which caught him off guard and sent him stumbling back. Before Michael could react, Damien tackled him to the ground, and the two were locked in a fierce struggle, punching and grappling with one another. Y/n watched from the corner, your heart racing in your chest as you were too afraid to intervene. Damien's superior strength gave him the advantage, but Michael managed to escape his grasp and rolled onto his knees, ready for a counterattack.

Damien rushed forward and aimed a forceful kick toward Michael's midsection, but Michael was quick and managed to duck the attack and grab Damien by the shoulders with both his hands. The two were now locked in a desperate struggle, with Damien trying to shake off Michael's grip and Michael refusing to give in. The room was filled with the sounds of punches, kicks, and shouts as the two men continued to grapple and fight. Y/n watched in alarm, both frightened and mesmerized by the fast-paced action. It seemed like a battle with no clear winner in sight.

"Please s-stop it! Guys, please stop fighting, it's not worth it! Let's talk this out and settle our differences peacefully, fighting is not the answer", you tried to shout but it was no use, they ignored you instead.

Damien finally managed to free himself from Michael's grip and quickly rolled out of reach just as Michael lunged forward to tackle him again. Damien jumped back up and dodged Michael's charge, but Michael was quick and agile and managed to follow Damien with a powerful kick to the stomach. Damien let out a grunt of pain as the kick landed square in his abdomen, and Michael capitalized on his temporary weakness to tackle him again, driving him against the wall with force. You were horrified and couldn't believe your eyes as you watched this intense struggle unfolding before you.

Y/n decided to intervene but Damien glared at you and it was enough to make you scared. However, you saw Michael pulling out something from his pocket and it resembled some sort of weapon and you knew that things could go horribly wrong if you just kept watching them fight, Damien was about to throw another punch at Michael but you ran towards him and held his fist, you begged him to stop as tears started to stream down your face. "P-please stop!", your voice was cracking and trembling with fear as you struggled to utter those words to him while trying to hold back your tears again.

Damien looked at you for a moment, he was pissed, and his resentment towards his rival was still evident on his face and behavior but he decided to withdraw his hand and stopped the fight and he looked away from you as if he was ashamed of his own impulsiveness. Michael slowly got up and was about to attack you again with a pocket knife in his hand but Damien acted quickly as he relied solely on his survival instinct, you were surprised when he grabbed your arm as you switched places and he was now covering you with his big muscular body and his right hand was on your lower back as he continued to hold you in a protective way, you were stunned but then you saw his other hand was bleeding.

You couldn't believe what you just saw, and you blinked your eyes a few times and realized that you weren't dreaming at all, Damien was holding the knife with his bare hand as he tried to stop Michael from his attempted attack on you and the blade was slowly cutting through his skin and revealed a portion of his flesh as he winced in pain and he eventually let go of the knife as Michael took a step back and watched closely to what was happening in front of him. "Damien! Are you alright?", you shouted out of fear and panic, you quickly asked for assistance from Michael but he just ignored you and left the room and entered his office. "That motherfucker!", you yelled at him out of exasperation and you turned your attention to Damien who just fainted and you noticed that there was also a stab wound on his right upper shoulder. You tried to shake him in hopes that he'd soon wake up, you took out your phone from your pocket before you dialed the emergency hotline, and called the ambulance.

"P-please...wake up! You'll be fine just hang in there Damien, help is on the way", you sobbed in desperation and your voice cracked a bit as you continued to hold him in your arms. 

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