A tense encounter

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There's a palpable tension that lingers in the air, her taunting smile touches a raw nerve within you, her hazel eyes flickering with disdain. Unease settled in as you realized the woman before you was none other than Clara herself. She clung to Damien's neck, her embrace tight as her body pressed against his. You averted your gaze, but Clara's grin persisted, her eyes sizing you up before she finally released Damien and feigned a friendly gesture by latching onto his arm.

After a few minutes, Clara then broke the silence. "How are you doing Y/n?", she asked. "I-...I-I'm fine...t-thanks Clara, how about you?", you stammered a bit as you replied. "I'm doing great!", she exclaimed. "So what brings you here?", you tilted your head to the side a bit and asked out of confusion. "Oh me? Well, I just wanted to pay Dam-...I mean the both of you a visit, is this a good time though? I don't want to interrupt you guys...uhm..you know what I mean", she chuckled as she responded to you and her answer was oozing with false sweetness. "Is that so? Well, we don't mind, it's nice to have you here, do you want a drink or something?", you asked trying to maintain your composure without showing the irritation and anxiety that you felt towards her.

Clara smirked at you before speaking once again. "Sure, I'd like to have some tea please, thanks", she put on a fake smile, and her voice was laced with a mocking tone which infuriated you even more but you still tried to be nice to her so Damien wouldn't suspect a thing and you immediately walked out as you headed towards the kitchen before your husband could even utter a word to you. You let out a sigh of relief once you were finally out of sight, you leaned against the counter, and your eyebrows furrowed while gritting your teeth a bit. You took a deep breath and calmed yourself down, you felt a bit better when you took a break from Clara's nauseating feigned act. As you prepared the tea, you found yourself hesitating near the living room, drawn by the sound of Damien and Clara's conversation.

You held the tray firmly in your hands as you walked a bit closer and eavesdropped. You heard the voices of Damien and Clara, they seemed to be having a lovely conversation together. "Aww, that's cute Damien, I still remember the day when we first went out for a date and you brought me some flowers with chocolates and a sweet note attached to it as well, you have no idea how much I cherished your gift for me and we had a blast for the whole day", she said as she chuckled in the most adorable way possible. "Y-yeah I remember, it was a nice date", your husband's voice could be heard as he responded to her. "Indeed, I missed the old us", she sighed with her head downcasted at her lap before she looked back at Damien again with a faint smile.

It made you feel cringe as you continued to listen to them reminiscing about their past. Clara then added, "But I'm still glad that we remained friends even after all this time, you're so kind and that's what I love about you", she replied. Damien just stared at her before leaning back against his seat to make himself comfortable while adjusting his sleeve. "You're still handsome as ever", she added teasingly, trying to flirt with him again as her eyes darted toward his incredible physique, you noticed the desire in her eyes as she bit her lower lip and you couldn't help but feel your blood boil. "Thanks", Damien replied in his usual monotone voice and he appeared to be a bit annoyed at Clara for some unknown reason. "Oh come on, you're so serious Damien, I just praised you for your good looks, can't take a compliment that well, eh?", she laughed at him and he shot her a glare which made her pause.

Y/n sighed with relief when Clara stopped but after a while, she started talking again and acted as if nothing happened. She was smiling and giggling to make herself look attractive in front of Damien, she was visibly close to him and their arms were touching a bit, Clara started to get more flirtatious towards Damien and she was touching his hand and tracing her fingers along his arms, his muscles tightening from her touch before she leaned in and whispered something to his ear and she had a tantalizing gaze as she looked deeply into Damien's eyes, their faces where just inches away from each other and Clara proceeds to get closer, her breath was hitting the side of his face and her lips were trembling from anticipation and it fueled your anger even more while you felt a sudden tinge of jealousy within you.

Your grip tightened on the tray and you decided to interfere as you stepped into the living room, Clara immediately noticed it and withdrew herself from Damien quickly before adjusting the hem of her dress and crossing her legs as she flashed her fake smile at you. "Oh? You're finally here Y/n and I see that you brought us our tea as well, that's so kind of you thank you", she said in her sweet voice before picking up the cup of tea from the tray, she noticed the change in your demeanor but she wasn't worried at all but rather satisfied with the thing that she had just done.

"This tea tastes good Y/n", she praised you but you just replied briefly with a hint of indifference. "I'm glad you liked it". Clara smiled at you and Damien just took a sip from his tea, listening intently to the conversation. "This bitch! She just ruined our moment, I should be kissing him by now but you intervened, what a nuisance, I'll deal with you soon", Clara thought to herself, and Y/n glanced at her and noticed that she had a twisted expression on her face, she appeared to be seething with anger and you both exchanged glares at each other which added more tension to the room.

You also thought about what you saw earlier back at the restaurant and wondered, "What was Clara discussing with Michael? I don't know what they're up to but I know that something is off", you sighed a bit as you felt distressed from the overwhelming emotions that washed over you and the issue with Clara, you couldn't help but desire the truth. 

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