CHAPTER 4: Everybody has a plan

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Isabelle knew they were up to something. 

Living in the Institute, it was impossible not overhear conversations that weren't meant for your ears. The stone halls seemed designed to echo even the quietest of speech. So when you were like Isabelle, trained from birth to listen in on any conversations that might be important to an investigation, no matter how quiet, it was impossible not to hear other people's conversations, full stop.

It had been a week since she'd spoken to Alec in the kitchen that day. She'd avoided him since then, and he'd done the same. So when she heard his raised voice, as she wandered aimlessly through the grounds of the Institute, of course she stopped to listen. Peering round a stupendously tall bush, she saw the back of Alec's dark head and, in front of him (or behind, depending on which way you looked at it), stood Jonathan. His head was angled down and his pale hair flopped in his eyes.

"I won't do it." Alec sounded mutinous. "It's too dangerous."

Jonathan sighed, pushing a hand through his hair. "I just don't understand why." He paced up and down. "If you didn't want to, then why'd you agree to it in the first place?"

Alec didn't answer. Jonathan whirled on him. "I'm serious! Why did you change your mind?

"I never changed my mind." Alec said quietly. 

"Then why didn't you tell me from the beginning?"

"Because-" Alec shook his head. "It doesn't matter."

"It does!"

"No," Alec said firmly. "It doesn't."  He turned to walk away. Jonathan grabbed his arm.

"I'll do it anyway." He said. Alec stared at him, white-faced. "If you don't help me, I'll do it anyway. She's my sister." He continued softly. Alec opened his mouth angrily. "She won't hurt me."

Alec threw his hands up. "Why not? She killed your parents, why not you too?" Jonathan paled. Alec started as he realised what he'd just said. "I didn't mean that."

"Yes you did." Jonathan let go of Alec's wrist and turned away from him. "You meant what you said. It's fine." Alec stared, open-mouthed. "Just go."

Alec hesitated, then turned and walked away. Isabelle ducked behind the bush so he wouldn't see her and watched as he stormed past. She expected him to look upset, but nothing could have prepared her for the look on his face. He looked utterly devastated. She watched his dark head recede from view and made a vow to herself, there and then:

Whatever they were arguing about, whatever it was, she would find out. She would find out what they were up to.


The street was gray and utterly deserted. Jonathan strode purposefully towards an apartment building, his anger fuelling his strides. He couldn't hear anything other than the fury swirling in his ears. Perhaps this was why, as he drew to a stop by the door, he didn't notice the shadow tailing him. Perhaps this was why he jumped when the hand reached out and tapped him on the shoulder. 

He whipped round, one hand already on the closest dagger, but he needn't have worried; standing beside him was Isabelle, her red lips curving into a grin as she realised he hadn't noticed her. She leaned against the wall, glancing at the blade in his hand. "Expecting trouble?" She inquired innocently.

"Isabelle!" Jonathan was furious. "What are you doing here?"

She reached out and plucked the dagger from his hand twirling it between her fingers. "I saw you leaving the Institute in a hurry." She said casually. "And I wondered where you were going. So I followed you." He made a grab for his dagger, and she twirled it out of his reach. What are you doing here, of all places?"

"I don't need to tell you anything."

Isabelle raised her eyebrows. "Well, I guess I should get back to the Institute then. I'm sure Mom would be really interested to know that you've been hanging around a warlock's home, what with it being illegal to have anything to do with downworlders." She didn't move though, just grinned at him infuriatingly.

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"Well," Isabelle mused. "I suppose if that's how you want to look at it..."

Jonathan's shoulders dropped. "Fine." He said. "Fine! I'll tell you. But!" He interrupted as Isabelle opened her mouth, looking rather delighted with herself. "If you tell anyone, it'll be the last thing you ever do."

Isabelle held the dagger out to him, handle first. "I guess it's a deal."

Jonathan told her everything. The nightmares, the plan, Alec's refusal to help. Isabelle didn't try to talk, didn't try to interrupt. She just listened. As a result, Jonathan found himself pouring out everything to her. Why he wanted to find Clarissa. His confusion and upset at Alec changing his mind for no apparent reason. Everything.

When he was done, Isabelle pointed at the building she was leaning against. "And this Magnus Bane guy, the warlock who lives here, you thing he can really help?" Jonathan nodded. "Then lets go inside." She pressed a finger against the buzzer, the one with the name 'BANE' next to it.

Bzzzzzz. No answer. 




The door flew open.

Standing in the doorway was a tall asian man. He was dressed for a party, in tight leather pants and a glittery t-shirt. His amber eyes were the slit-pupiled eyes of a cat. He glowered down.

"Nephilim." He said in disgust. "What do you want?"

Isabelle leaned against the doorframe and smiled at him. Jonathan wondered where she got her confidence from. Now that he'd seen Magnus in person, he was beginning to doubt whether this was a good idea. "We just want to talk." 

"I don't talk to nephilim." He went to shut the door. 

Isabelle blocked it with her foot. "We want to talk to you." She repeated. She inspected her cuticles. "It probably won't take long."

Magnus glared at her. "And if I refuse?" Isabelle just looked at him. He sighed. "That doesn't seem to be an option. I suppose you'd better come in." He stepped back from the door. "Provided you don't tell anyone. Downworlders aren't supposed to have anything to do with the nephilim."

Isabelle grinned and, behind her, Jonathan felt the beginnings of his own smile. "Deal."



Jonathan Starkweather slowly lowered the book he was reading. The sound had come from the cave entrance. Nobody knew about this place, other than Jonathan himself, and his father. Granted, his father was out hunting and gathering food in Brocelind Forest right now, so perhaps it was him. On the other hand, Father could get in and out of the cave by himself, so there was no need for him to bang for Jonathan's attention.


He dropped the book on the ground, where it landed face down. Getting up slowly, as he would when he didn't want to startle an animal, he made his way over to the entrance of the cave. The blank stone wall didn't seem to have taken any damage.

He waited. There were no more bangs. He turned to go sit back by the fire.


He turned back around. The blank stone wall was gone.

In the now open entrance to the cave stood a girl. Her hair was the colour of flames and her eyes...

...Her eyes were entirely black, without any whites.

That wasn't what got Jonathan though. The thing that really shook him?

He'd seen her before.

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