Promises to Never Leave My Brother Behind

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Lily's POV

I was absolutely terrified of heights, and Peter knew it. So why would he bring me to freaking Big Ben and land us outside the top of the tower?

To catch me off guard and ask me out. Some days, I regretted being a girl. When Shadow came to pick us up, my anger with the world had pretty much ebbed, but I was still in shock. In my time in Storybrooke, I'd seen enough Disney movies to last anyone a lifetime, and in every single one, it was the same: "With true love's kiss, the spell shall break," and all that crap. Those things couldn't have been farther from the truth, so why did that one detail have to be?

Apparently, because life hated me. Of all the people in the world, and for all the years I'd been alive, fate decided to stick me with Peter mothereffing Pan. True love sounded nice, and from what I'd seen, it usually was, but when fate made monumental mistakes like that, it was like being chained to the wrong person. I was forced to love him, but not to like him.

All this and more ran through my head as I tried not to think about how fast Shadow was moving and how high up we were. I didn't even have to block out the fact that Pan's arm was slung around my waist to keep me from falling. It was the furthest thing from my mind. I had far bigger problems to think about, like Felix.

What would he think? Would he be angry with me for lying to him? But at the time, I wasn't lying, I scolded myself. Why would he be angry about something like that? Come to think of it, I don't think I've eve seen him angry. He hated me at first, but then we were just... family. Will I be able to handle it if he decides he hates me for lying to him?

As we landed, I came to one conclusion: he couldn't find out. Felix could not be allowed to know that Pan and I were soulmates.

The boys met us on the beach with big smiles on their faces. Felix looked exactly the same as he had before, which was unnerving. For the first time, I had an actual concept of what time was, and spending three decades away from home, only to find it as though we never left, was a bit unnerving.

"So Lily!" Felix said brightly, swinging an arm around me.  Peter tensed, but said nothing as his best friend led me away from the group. "How'd you like the pirates? Were they good to you?"

"Pirates... Oh yeah, them." I'd long since stopped thinking about Hook and the crew of the Jolly Roger. I didn't have the option when we were under the curse, and so much had happened in the past hour that the thought hadn't even crossed my mind. "They were fine, I guess." 

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Did one of them try to pull something indecent? Do I have to cut someone?"

"No, nothing like that," I laughed uneasily. I had to act normal while trying to act like I wasn't trying to act normal. That even confused me. "We had an unexpected visit from the Dark One."

Felix sobered up immediately, his arm tensing around my shoulders. "What did he do to you?"

"Honestly... I'm not exactly sure," I muttered. "If he wanted to make me and Pan miserable, he succeeded. He put us in hell for three decades."

He mouthed the words silently and I was reminded of how different time was on Neverland "Did Pan make the problem better or worse?"

I shrugged to cover the fact that he knew as well as I did. Pan had a weird habit of making a situation-- any situation --both better and worse at the same time. Felix knew it. I knew it. Hell, the queen of England probably knew it too. "We were in the same situation. I don't think it really made a difference."

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