A Storybook Ending

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Pan's POV (at ease, everyone. it's gone back to normal. sort of. this is just a weird f***ing chapter.)

That night, there was a weird hollowness in my chest. I immediately knew what it was and basked in the fact that the feeling wasn't accompanied by emotions. As satisfying as it was, the feeling wasn't incredibly pleasant; I needed to do something about it. Then the idea hit: I would show Lily how real magic users dreamwalked. She could use the lesson anyway.

I sat on my bed and cast the spell, instantly falling into a deep sleep.


For a while, there was blackness as Lily went through all the stages of sleep that came before dreaming. It was a restless sleep, filled with rolling darkness that gave me vertigo. Then a watery grey light surrounded me and I found myself on the beach. Waves crashed violently on the shore and the sky was covered in ominous thunderclouds. A few meters to my right, a person sat on the sand, hugging their knees. From what I could see, it was Lily. I smirked and approached her, figuring that she would start yelling at me or something of that nature. I put my hand on her shoulder. She flinched away, looking up at me in terror. "P--P--"

It was then that I noticed what she was wearing: a ragged burlap dress. The same thing she'd worn in her memories as Uriel. She looked pitiful; dirty and ragged and afraid. Her hair was chopped short. Interesting.

"Hello love," I said, putting on my gentlest smile. I hoped it didn't look forced, but it barely mattered; she wasn't really looking at me. She seemed to be looking for a way to get away. Of course, she didn't know that I could follow her anywhere in a dream. I preferred to avoid that, though.

"Hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you," I said, reaching out slowly. The look in her eyes resembled that of a scared animal-- luckily, I was used to people like that. "Calm down, love. I'm not going to hurt you. Don't be afraid."

She still looked like she was ready to bolt out of her skin, but she didn't flinch when I touched her hair. "I... I know which one you're h--here for," she said quietly. "It's n--not me, though. P--Please don't b--be angry! The l--last time you were angry, th--the boys in the v--village were never seen ag--gain."

I knew how Pietro would have reacted in this situation. He'd think she was pathetically endearing. Personally, the 'endearing' bit was lost to me but I wouldn't get anywhere with Uriel (there was no way this was really Lily) by letting her know what I thought. "I'm not angry, love, I promise." Just horribly annoyed.

"Oh please. Pan, are you even hearing yourself? If you want to get to her, whoever that is isn't gonna be helpful." I turned to see another girl that looked like Lily, except...

"What are you wearing?"

She stuck her tongue out at me. "A swimsuit. Got a problem with that?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?"

"Too bad. I'm comfortable. Now, do you wanna go see her or what?" She ran off, clearly expecting me to follow. Would the words deja vu be appropriate or ironic? I thought, remembering my own dream.

I was sure that this was my Lily: the girl who wasn't afraid to mouth off or let people know her opinions. The girl who did as she pleased, and she'd be damned if anyone tried to get in her way. Actually, they'd be damned and she'd be laughing. Where Uriel was soft and quietly afraid, Lily was obnoxious and unafraid of getting in someone's face if they wronged her. It seemed that with the help of her new name and amnesia, she'd adopted a new persona, the one I'd fallen in love with when I was still capable of love: my Lost Girl.

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