A/N: There Seems To Be Some Confusion

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So, there seems to be some confusion about Felix and what happened to Lily. Here's some information to clear up everything.

Yes, Felix is gay.

Yes, I planned that from the start, and why I made it very clear to begin with that he had no feelings for Lily whatsoever. I've been dropping hints about him from the beginning.

Yes, I ship Panlix. I ship it very hard. But I didn't want this story to be a Panlix story, so I decided that it would be a one-sided side pairing.

Yes, I purposefully made the whole "coming out" thing casual af. I base my writing off of personal experiences, and that was pretty much how I came out to my parents. Obviously, there wasn't much backlash either in real life or the story. Pan doesn't care, except that he knows he's hurting Felix and hates it.

Yes, Pan and Felix are still very close friends... or so you think.

No, Lily is not dead.

No, you won't find out where she is and what happened until the next chapter.


So if you have anymore questions, let me know either in a comment or a message and I'll clear it up. But I don't do spoilers.

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