Chapter 1:"Whats next?"

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It's been about a week since Mabel and dipper have graduated and summers finally began, the fresh Californian sun is now shining, the perfect weather for the beach,ice cream,cold martinis and girls in bikinis. Sure, Mabel's already been to the beach with friends and to a few amusement parks since summers began but dippers been in his room all week, his parents and mabel have been trying to convince him to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and no school, he's finally out of Highschool, 18 an adult he should go enjoy this freedom before collage, but he just writes in his journal, he'll go out occasionally to film for his YouTube channel but that's it.

Dippers bedroom door bursts open, it's Mabel and waddles, Mabel stares at dipper for a while before saying, "dipperrr!!" Dipper sits up, annoyed and confused, "what Mabel, I'm trying to write here." Mabel gives an annoyed look and crossed her arms, sitting down on the bed next to him and sighing, waddles following. "Dipper, I'm worried about you these days, we're 18 now, we can drive, we have a whole summer before Collage..and you choose to stay in this room all day, go out with me sometime, meet some girls, anything dipper."

Dipper looks at Mabel, he sighs as well and groans, closing his journal. " don't get it, there nothing here for me in California, there's no mystery, excitement, monsters, nothing Mabel...I'm not like you,I'm not social,not popular of course I'm gonna sit in my room all day, there's nothing for me out there." Mabel feels sympathy for her brother as he looks lonely "fine, I won't force you but..remember, you always welcomed to join me and my friends alright?" She gets up from dippers bed and walks out holding waddles, leaving dipper alone wit his thoughts.

He flops onto the bed and sighs, looking at his ceiling fan. "Maybe Mabel's right..even if their is nothing for me out here I can..try to have fun?" He then gets up and opens his bedside dresser and sees his old post card from Gravity Falls, with everyone's signature surrounded by "see you next summer." That's it, dipper knew what to do this summer, he thinks about all the amazing memories from gravity falls,the people, the mystery, grunkle Stan and Uncle ford. He could focus on his paranormal research! He had already defeated bill, he had no reason to be afraid anymore..Right?"

Dipper paces around his room for a second, thinking about how much everyone in Gravity Falls has probably changed and how they would react to seeing him, he can't just show up out of no where. After a few hours of debating with himself he decides, Gravity Falls is where he'll spend this summer, that's where he belongs,that's his purpose, to go back to Gravity Falls and explore the paranormal like he did when he was younger, Mabels found herself this summer, why shouldn't he. He looks in his closet and sees the hat that Wendy gave him, he stares at it for a while, gosh he hasn't worn that think since he was a kid.

This makes his smile grow as he thinks about his silly crush on Wendy, he grabs his suitcase and begins packing. Mabel hears all this noise and comes in "Dipper, what's all that noise?" She sees him packing his suitcase and raises and eyebrow "where are you going, whats with the suitcase?" Dipper looks at her and sighs "I'm going back to Gravity Falls, to find mystery and myself, I'll be way better there than here in California" Mabel's eyes widen "your going to Gravity Falls!!?" Dipper smiles and nods "You have to take me with you!!" Dipper groans and rubs his temple "What? No I don't! You love it here in California, you have a life here you love summer!!"

Mabel pouts "but I also loved our summer in gravity falls! I Miss everyone, soos,candy, grenda,Wendy and everyone dipper. Your not the only one who Misses Gravity falls!!" Dipper groans, he wanted this to be just a him trip so he can focus on his paranormal research but now mables begging, he want to be a good brother. "Fineee. You can come Mabel just...get your stuff, I wanna leave tomorrow." Mabel rushes to her room so excited, she's done with wanting to find romance, this summer she wants to spend time with old friends and catch up, Rediscover the magic from her childhood.

-The next day-
The next day comes, Mabel and dipper have said goodbye to both their parents and are getting ready to drive from California to Oregon. Dipper gets all the suitcases in the trunk and gets in the drivers side, sighing as he looks back and sees waddles eating his car seats. "Mabel..we couldn't have left him here??" Mabel looks in shocked "dipper! No we can't just leave waddles! He goes where I go." Dipper groans again "Mabel,he's tearing up my seats, this drive has to be calm and stress free, that can't happen if he's chewing on my seats." Mabel looks at dipper "Please Dipper, he'll be good!"

Dipper groans but he just wants to hurry up and make it to gravity falls so he decides to let waddles stay. The car ride is pretty long and Mabel was being annoying on the way as her and dipper fought over the radio but Mabel eventually fell asleep. Finally Dipper looks and sees the giant sign that reads "Welcome to Gravity Falls".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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