Before You Start...

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Imagine you're talking to a hearing person.
What do you do?
Do you face them while you/they talk? Do you connect eyes as you/they talk?
Most of the population does both of these things naturally when taking to a person. Eye contact makes us feel good and connects us as we talk.

Now imagine a deaf person.
What do you do?
Well, you do the same thing.
You face them while signing. You connect eyes while you/they sign.
It's rude to stare at a signers hands while they sign, so try practicing looking at their whole body when connecting eyes.
It's okay to tell them that you're learning sign language, and then look at their hands. They will understand that you're a beginner, and be happy to help you get better at signing.

 They will understand that you're a beginner, and be happy to help you get better at signing

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(Video) Here are some tips when your with a deaf person:

Sign Language With JaceWhere stories live. Discover now