Chapter 10

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Minho was leading his friends through the overgrown nature and into the abandoned ice rink.

"What are we doing here?" Felix asked. He was kind of nervous about where Minho was leading them because, since he'd just met him, he didn't really trust him that much, but if everyone was going then he guessed he didn't really have a choice. 

"Just wait, it's so cool." Minho said while stepping over a thorn that had stuck out in the path. He warned the others about it because the amount of times he'd scratched his leg on it was atrocious.

Minho pushed open the heavy doors to the rink, he spotted Jisung sitting on the bench and only sent him a look, which the younger understood immediately, so he didn't look suspicious to the others.

"Woah!" Jisung's friends exclaimed. They were walking around slowly, taking in the vines that hung from the cracks in the ceiling and the somehow intact ice rink.

"How is it so perfect still?" Seungmin asked.

"I don't know, to be honest."

"Hey wait," Changbin started, "we've been here before."

"Oh yeah!" Chan and Hyunjin said. They remembered coming here from when Minho had run away a couple months ago.

"I guess you have."

"I never really thought about how spectacular this place is. I mean, apart from the dilapidated structure of the building, everything is basically perfectly intact." Bangchan observed causing everyone to nod or hum in agreement.

Unfortunately, they didn't seem to notice Jisung and the boy realized this. His face fell into one of sadness. His friends couldn't see him.

Minho looked over to him with a solemn expression that matched the younger's. He wanted to comfort him, but he knew that his friends needed to leave.

"So do you, like, hang here?" Hyunjin asked curiously.

"Yeah I guess. I just wanted to show you guys, but that doesn't mean you can come here too! This place is just for me and-" he immediately shut his mouth. He nearly exposed Jisung, or, more accurately, himself, because they would've thought he was insane.

"And?" Jeongin asked.

"And what?" Minho decided to play dumb.

"You said 'and'."

"Did I? Oh, well, I didn't mean to."

"Can we come here to skate?" Changbin mentioned excitedly.

" This is my hangout. Find your own." Minho shook his head after thinking for some time.

"Why did you show us this then?"

"I just felt like I was keeping a secret from you."


"I don't know."

"Why'd you invite them then?" Changbin motioned to Jisung's friends.

"Uh, I don't know either. Just felt like it,
I guess."

"You are seriously the weirdest person I've ever met."

"I take pride in that." Minho held his head high.

"Okay, well, if that's all, I guess we can go home now, it's freezing here." Seungmin suggested, he really wanted to get out of there and just spend some alone time with his boyfriend, although he'd never tell him that. It was embarrassing.

"Okay, jagi, let's go." Hyunjin kissed the top of Seungmin's head before holding his hand and leading them out. The others quickly followed suit.

Once Minho had seen them out, he rushed back to Jisung.

"I'm so sorry they couldn't see you." Minho engulfed the younger in a hug.

"No, i-it's ok-okay." Jisung stammered into Minho's chest. Sniffling slightly. He was mostly trying to convince himself that it was okay more than anything else. He just wanted to speak to them, but seeing them in real life was still good enough for him. "I guess I am still a l-little transparent."

"It's okay." The older held on tight, as if he was afraid to let go, as if, if he did let go, Jisung would disappear.

They stayed like that a while.

"Was it nice to see them in real life?"

"Very." Jisung sniffled again. He didn't know what he was sniffling since ghosts don't have any bodily fluids, but tears, apparently, were an exception.

"Thank you so much, Minho. You've done so much for me." Jisung leant his head on the older's shoulder.

"It's nothing, Ji, don't worry about it."

'Ji...' that nickname had a familiar sound to Jisung, but he couldn't place what it was. Something in the way he said it had a familiar ring.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked after he noticed Jisung looked a little dazed.

"Huh? Yeah. Sorry. Just thinking."

"You do that then." Minho suggested and they went back to a comfortable silence. Minho played with Jisung's hair as he leant against the wall.

'I love you too, Ji, please don't ever forget that. I love you so much.' Jisung remembered. He suddenly shot up.

That was definitely Minho's voice. He needed to have the dream again to make sure.

"What's wrong?" Minho looked at him worriedly.

"Nothing. It's okay. I just I felt something crawl on me." Jisung laughed dryly and lay his head back in the comfort of the older's shoulder.

Minho could tell that something was bothering the younger, but decided not to pressure him into telling him since he probably already had enough things to think about. Plus, pressuring Jisung to open up about something that was none of his business would probably hurt their relationship more than it would build it.

He sighed and lay his own head on top of Jisung's. His hand still lingered, tangled in the locks of the younger's hair.

"Can you sing for me?" Jisung asked. Nervousness was evident in his voice, but Minho found it cute.

"Of course." He was about to start singing when Jisung interrupted him.

"A-and remember the nicknames you g-gave me when I-I was in p-pain?" Minho only hummed, "c-can you call me them again?" Jisung asked shyly. He'd never asked for something so straightforward as this and was definitely nervous that Minho was going to think he was weird and say no.

"Of course, sweetie." Jisung smiled and cozied himself into Minho's arms a little more. Minho wrapped his arm around Jisung's waist and pulled him closer.

He started to softly sing a lullaby his mother used to sing for him.

He felt Jisung slowly drift off.

He needed to get back home, however, so, he left a note on the storage door, much like last time, after he'd managed to gently lay Jisung on the bench. He'd taken his hoodie off and used it as a pillow for the younger's head.

Hey sweets,

Sorry I had to leave, but my parents needed me home! I know it's horrible to wake up alone after falling asleep with someone, but I'm glad you even fell asleep!

Did you like my singing? I can sing for you more if you want!

I'll come back tomorrow as per usual. Unless something comes up, of course, but I'll try and get out of anything I can because I love seeing you <3

Love, Minho

P.S. You can keep the hoodie.

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