Chapter 11

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Jisung woke slowly. He tiredly looked around, expecting to find Minho, but he wasn't there.

He noticed a familiar post-it on the storage room door. Jisung smiled to himself.

Hey sweets,

Sorry I had to leave, but my parents needed me home! I know it's horrible to wake up alone after falling asleep with someone, but I'm glad you even fell asleep!

Did you like my singing? I can sing for you more if you want!

I'll come back tomorrow as per usual. Unless something comes up, of course, but I'll try and get out of anything I can because I love seeing you <3

Love, Minho

P.S. You can keep the hoodie.

He blushed slightly at the nickname and pulled the hoodie sleeves down. He felt safe in Minho's hoodie, it felt like the older was constantly hugging him, his scent was still present and it made Jisung snuggle into it more.

'You can't fall for him Jisung!' He tried to scold himself, 'but what if it's too late?'

If he fell in love with Minho, they would only have a limited time together, and Jisung wouldn't be able to deal with that, never being able to see the boy again was arguably his worst fear.

But perhaps he'd already fallen in love. He'd forgotten what the feeling felt like. He knew he had fallen in love at least once in his life, with that boy from his dreams. It was obvious that they had been in love, but what happened? Did they get separated?

Jisung can't remember, he doesn't tend to remember much about his dreams, just that they happened and the general gist of what they were about, but something specific stuck in his mind:

'I love you too, Ji, please don't ever forget that. I love you so much.'

It sounded too familiar to be something his brain had just made up, it all sounded too real. He needed to find out who this boy was.

He had suspicions that it was Minho, but how would he ever prove that?

He sat for a while outside, filing slowly through his thoughts and emotions, trying to sort them into comprehensible things. It was proving to be difficult. So difficult in fact, that he didn't notice when Minho came and sat down next to him.

Jisung turned to his left and jumped when he saw another figure sitting there. He put his hand on his heart, "Jesus, Minho, you scared me." He laughed.

"What were you thinking about?"

"My feelings."

"About what?"

"Everything." Minho hummed at this, not knowing what to add.

The conversation was short, and there was no follow up, which Jisung found slightly concerning, the older would always have something to complain about or gush about, but today, he was silent.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seem quiet."

"Just family issues." Jisung knew not to pry on something like this. His curiosity was killing him, but he decided not to push Minho, maybe the boy would tell him sometime.

"I know you want to know what's up with my family," Minho started, almost as if he had read Jisung's mind, "but...even I don't know. My dad came back today, after years, and I don't know how to feel about it." Minho looked down, playing with his fingers.

"Is he nice?"


"Don't feel pressured to love him. Sometimes we can feel guilty for not loving the people who raised us, but if they're bad people, you can't be expected to." Jisung held Minho's hand gently in his, caressing it with his thumb.

"Thank you."

"Thank me by taking care of yourself because I know you aren't."

Minho looked slightly shocked, he thought he'd hid it well.

"You can't hide everything from me. You're getting skinnier." Jisung's voice was laced with concern.

"I'll eat a full dinner when I get home." Minho concluded.

"Promise?" Jisung stuck out his little finger.

"You're so silly." Minho smiled, but he locked their fingers together anyway.

A//N: Just a filler chapter while I gather my thoughts on how the story line is going to play out, I'm sorry it's so short!!

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