Chapter 27

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The next morning, Jisung knew that Minho wouldn't survive until the end of the day.

He'd already coughed up enough blood to last a vampire a year, and his breathing was getting worse.

Jisung knew he was in pain and felt completely useless knowing there was nothing he could do to help.

He carded his fingers through Minho's hair, not even flinching at the dampness of it. He pressed a kiss to his forehead, then one on his nose and one on both of his cheeks before pressing a lingering kiss to his lips.

"Minho...I can't believe you might leave me." Jisung sighed through his tears as he watched Minho not even be able to process his words.

"You'll forever be my first and last love." He brushed the tips of his fingers along Minho's cheekbone.

He smiled softly but sadly.

He didn't know what he would do without Minho. The boy was the light of his life. He'd become dependent on his presence in his everyday life. Even as Minho was unable to do anything, just having him beside him was enough, but even his only connection in the last five years was going to be taken away from him and he could do nothing to stop it.

"I feel so guilty, you know?" Jisung spoke almost to himself as he lay his head gently on the older's chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat.

"Are you dying because of me? Or do you truly love someone else?" Jisung pondered, playing with Minho's fingers.

"You know I love you, right? So much." The younger wiped a tear away with his thumb that had ran down his own cheek.

"I love you more than anything, and I truly mean that. Nothing could ever tear my love away from you. You are forever the one picture in my heart." Jisung spoke his feelings. Wanting Minho to at least understand them before he died.

"Every time you came into the ice rink, it made my whole day. Every day I would wait for you to come. I wish we could've stayed like that forever." Jisung smiled, reminiscing. He lifted his head up to look in Minho's eyes.

He traced shapes over Minho's heart.

"If I could stop time, I would've stopped it then. When you came to me everyday after hockey and you'd skate around with me on the rink and you'd hold me and take care of me." The younger let tears fall down his face, not bothering to wipe them away.

"You're special to me Minho. So special." He spoke softly, "so very special."

Minho's heart clenched, wishing he could show Jisung how much he loved his as well.

Jisung lay his head down on Minho's chest again, his heart beat lulling him to sleep.

"I love you Minho. Please don't forget me...please..." Jisung whispered, "thank you for everything you've done for me." The younger let sleep take over him.

With the last of his strength, Minho managed to clasp his hand around Jisung's and let a singular tear slip down his face.

And the last thing he could think was:

'I love you Jisung. Please forgive me.'

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