Cheater Ex Part 2

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Requested by: Samiksha2407
Dangerous yandere
Yandere stuff
You also must kill someone
Past Sa



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It's been a few years since Kai took me and killed my husband. Lily is now a toddler and thinks Kai is her real dad.

Ugh, I can not with Kai right now!

"Mommy?" Lily asked, dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, baby?" I answered.

"Why don't you like Daddy?" she asked while looking up at me.


"Well... I... I do like your daddy," I didn't know what to say. "But it's complicated."

"How is it complicated?" my daughter asked me while walking over to the couch and sitting beside me.

"It's just that he did some bad things," I said while picking her up. "In the past."

"Oh..." she said while looking at the locked door.

{~~~<Time Skip>~~~}

I was getting ready for bed when I noticed that I had gained some weight.


"I'm going to get you pregnant if it's the last thing I do!" Kai said while thrusting in me for the last time that night.

{~~~<End of Flashback>~~~}

I shivered as I remembered that he would always say that.

But I don't think that I could be, can I?

I got under the covers and got comfortable.

Kai won't get home until later tonight. Whether I'm pregnant or not my plan to escape with Lily is still on, it might have taken a couple of years but I finally have a plan that I'm 120% positive will work.

{~~~<THE PLAN>~~}

Step 1:
Wait until the next time he has to work late at night.

(like tonight)

Step 2:
I'll pick the locks on the door.

(She started picking locks after she found Kai cheating, just in case)

Step 3:
Get far, far, far away from here.

(wherever you are in the world)


My plan should work if I follow every step.

I fall asleep after thinking about the plan over and over again. I woke up frantically.

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