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Killian POV:

I need to figure out a way to get out of here. Trapped in a cell with chains holding me back, especially the one holding my neck in submission for those bastards. Being in a wolf form as a son of an Alpha and being forced to be like this raging.

About a month ago I had been running around with few friends until we saw something strange. Well as dumb young adults we are, we went to check it on only to find out it was a trap. A group of werewolves yet different than us captured us. I have never seen anything like that. They had red eyes, a bit smaller than us yet faster, and an uncontrollable urge to kill.

I don't know what happen to my friends but here I am.

Since I gotten here they test me out. They want to see how capable I am against the things they are creating. These mad scientists call those creatures a new breed. A better one. However, I don't think they know what they have gotten themselves into considering that they are unable to control them. I seen how the breed needs to be injected with a serum to be obedient.

The scientist that comes to my cell every day has come to take my blood. Apparently they want alpha blood in order to mix it with the serum in order to control the new breed. Which is why am here. They either will turn me into one of those things or I will be a pray to one. Considering how much pain I am after dealing with the newly breaded ones and drugs I been put on. That is weird since human drugs don't affect us but these drugs that they make do affects us. The drugs make you weak, sick, full of rage, and numb.

Nevertheless, I have plan. I got stay patient. Be how they want me to be that way I can focus on their schedule. See what time they come, how many guards are around, the cameras, and a way to get out of here.

The thing is that I have a problem, you see today everyone has been acting weird. Something might happen, this could be the opportunity I have been waiting for. Once I escape contacting the first pack will be my priority, that way they can come rescue the rest of the prisoners.

I shift my eyes as my whole body stiffens at the smell of him. Once I see him my wolf snarls at him. "Easy boy, don't make my day more complicated then it is already." He informs me.

A scoff comes out of me. His day is complicated, has he not look at my situation.

"Listen..." He starts as he makes his way towards me leaning to grab my collar, "Today very important people will come. And I need you to make a very good impression for me. If you do I will remove the chains. Got it." He spoke harshly towards me as he starts to unlock the chains, only leaving me in my collar.

I tried to fight my urge to attack him. Wait for a good chance, Silas. I tell my wolf. We have to think before we act, especially now that we might have chance.

As he begins to pull my collar making me walk right behind. It is as if he wants to show the other werewolves here in the cells that he tame an Alphas son. I'm not the heir to Alpha title since my older brother has it, we aren't in good terms either. I cut ties off with my pack and left for good even thought they still try to reconcile with me.  Yet it doesn't mean that those genes that run through his veins aren't in me as well.

I began to look up seeing the security system code being typed in the machine before the door opens. Passing more guards that look at me with a smirk. Oh just wait till the drugs are out of my system. My wolf Silas shows off his fangs and claws ready just in case.

Then I start to realize where we going, it's place where they make us test us and then fight.

"No!" I hear an angelical voice coming a few rooms away. My skin begins to shiver as my fur begins to thicken, standing raise up.


My mate is here. Oh no, is she a prisoner? Will she fight?

Call down, we have to save up energy not waste it in worry if we want to get to her, Silas spoke.

Her scent began to fill the hallway. Toasted vanilla mix with rich floral scent driving me crazy. A new drug on my system that filled my paws with the energy to bolt out of here. The sensation was fast a lighting effect making me stop at my tracks. My breathing quicken in a deep shaky breaths, I have to make sure she is okay. My mind starts to wander of the things that could possibly be happening to her right now.

"Hey can't you hear me," he spoke. But I ignore the tugging in my collar wanting to pull me towards him.

I back away from him. Her scent is like a cure to the mysterious serum flowing through my veins in this moment. And there is nothing that can stop a werewolf from meeting his beloved companion, my mate.

With no idea where I'm getting this strength in my body, I jump on top of him. I bark in his face as his face hits with the reality that I'm going wild. My head snaps towards her scent, her voice.

"This is not what I was trying to do. I wanted to help out not them. You lied to me! Dad you lied!" Her cries made my paws move fast to where she is until I meet with a metal door.

I didn't even realize the guards surrounding me as I look trying to find a way out.

Soon I feel something sharp in my right leg. A bullet? What part of nothing can stop me from going to mate did this guys not get. I will take care of them once I get to her. No pain, bullet, punch, bleeding, or death will stop-

The door soon opens and I'm meet with her teary dark brown eyes. Her red cheeks stain with tears streaming down her face.

Everything stops as I take every detail from her hair, eyelashes, body, and heartbeat.

What happen to Killian and his family? Read to find out more. Don't forget to vote and comment, Thank you for reading.

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