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Small chapter
Also please don't forget to vote and comment it really means a lot to me as well it motivates me.

This is not I imagine. Not in a million years did I thought that the work my grandfather along with father is an abomination. The experiments are from children to adults.

Everything I had been thought about my father's kind of werewolf is wrong.

Now I get why they need the drugs, he is trying to create a new version of werewolf. Real monsters who won't listen but will on commend of the elders.

More faster, more powerful, stronger, feral, bloodthirsty creatures.

"Dad you lied," I choke on my cries. I don't want to be a part of this. "What you are doing is going against your genes. You can't possibly change your ancestral lineage or the societal order of your kind,"

My dad sigh, "Valeria, werewolf's are becoming more sensitive. They are adapting to the world by wanting peace with humans. That is not how we are suppose to live. We are creatures destined to rule, scare, and dominate those weaker than us," Dad spoke with a hint of annoyance at me.

"Stop crying. I shouldn't have brought you here," He said after I stare at him disbelief at what came out of his mouth.

"No.... I'm glad you brought me here to see the reality," I finally found what I been dreaming of coming a part is just a nightmare.

My dad throws his hands up in the air in frustration as he gets up to walk up to me. His posture straight as he moves towards me. "I love you okay," He softly said to me.

"Take her home," He demands to the guards at the doors."

"No," I scream trying to get away from the guards. I have to at least help out the children. Maybe I can figure out a way to get them. Nevertheless I found my self being taken by them to the door.

My cries stops the moment a dangerously loud growl comes to my ears. The guards hold me loosens up as they both try to keep their calm.

His eyes dark brown, with a small swirl of red light indicating that he will lose control of his wolf. Yet, I wasn't afraid of him. Instead I found my self drift from the scenery that I had found myself in.

He took steps towards me while all I could do is stare into his eyes that made me want-

"Valeria!" My dad shouts at me to come out of it. He grads my arm tightly trying to make me get away from the wolf. "Ah, you are hurting me dad," I say to him.

Another growl that makes me turn to stare at him. It's like we didn't pay attention to our surroundings, the screaming of my dad, the guards calling for help standing in-front of my dad and I.

It is tugging at me to reach for him. To feel his soul, to call out to him. A small burning yet shivering feeling went to my neck. Aching for something. It wasn't pain I knew for sure it was something else.

I reach to touch the part of my neck where it felt hot and aches. "You feel it mate," A voices comes to mind.

"What?" I say in disbelief.

"Valeria, what is wrong?" My father turns me to look at him. As soon as his eyes move to where my hand is at the side of my neck his face whitens. "Oh lord, no. This can't be happing to you," He says in a shaky voice, almost as if he is scared for me.

"Listen I'll come back to you, I'll find you again," The voice fills me with excitement just as with wonder. What did he mean come back? How will he find me? When will I see him? When? Where?

My dad grabs a hold of me when a bones start to pop, the screaming of men is loud penetrating my ears. I didn't want to look at whatever is happening.

"Get away from us!" My dad shouts.

I hug my father facing away from the big mess behind us. While my father tightly embraces me I can't help but think why would my father do this? Holding all of these creatures and experimenting on them, isn't he one of them? I had so many questions.

"I'm sorry for leaving you behind, but I'll come back,"

Thank you for reading! Have a nice day Please don't forget to vote and comment it really means a lot to me as well it motivates

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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