Classes would have been better.

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Every day they were haunted by the screams.

If only he could shut up.

The procedure was effortless in theory. They had found this 'thing' roaming near the forest and brought it here. They ran some tests on it, nothing too complicated; but then [REDACTED] was brought here as well, and it would have been so much easier if he'd just stopped screaming each time they ran the tests.

He'd been brought in here for a reason : [REDACTED] was going to save the world from those things, whatever they were.

They simply needed to inject him with [A-1.4] and hoped it went better than the three first times, or they would have to find someone else again and start over. That would be a pain.

The building had been quiet all day, and [REDACTED] was given a break until now. He was tied up properly, they had made sure he couldn't move or trash around like he always did.

The needle was in their hands. Everyone was watching.

The day had come. It was time.

They entered the white secured room and [REDACTED] knew what would happen. He looked at them with tears in his eyes because he knew that it would hurt. The scars on his body were enough to prove it did.

[A-1.4] had been made to the world, for him, from him .

They looked around them. Their colleagues were watching, pens in their hands.

They got closer and injected [A-1.4] in [REDACTED]'s neck without any remorse or pity; he was just a test, he was disposable.

Nothing happened the first seconds, but the screaming that followed would echo in their minds forever and haunt them until they passed.

When the end of the world started, James Potter was walking down the corridors, and as much as he loved his teacher, he didn't want to go to class today. But he had already skipped the two last English classes and he knew McGonagall would have his head if he purposely missed more; so he didn't have much choice.

He went up the stairs that led to his English classroom and started talking with some of his classmates who were also waiting for another teacher. Their voices echo in the long stone corridor. Their school was an old private school, castle-like with its cold stone walls and the high towers that were raised high over the town. The castle had been built on a hill at the expense of it and despite its cold and creepy appearance, James loved Hogwarts as much as he loved his home.

McGonagall still wasn't in sight and the class quickly grew bored of waiting, James leaned against the wall and watched as some late students entered the nearby classrooms. Two of his friends Marlene McKinnon and Mary McDonald decided to search for the teacher, in the hope that she wouldn't be available to teach them today due to an impromptu meeting or something along the same lines.

Some minutes passed by and still, no sign of McGonagall – nor James' friends –, James' class was still outside of the classroom, waiting. Most of them were talking between them and James was in the middle of a discussion about his favourite sport with some other of his classmates when an alarm started blaring everywhere in the school. Everyone looked at each other in pure delight, someone must have set the fire alarm off on purpose as usual, because they wanted to skip class or a test.

Students and teachers were quickly getting out of their classrooms, and walking down the stairs to exit the school, James and his classmates were doing the same.

"Did they change the fire alarm?" James overheard a teacher say to another as they were still walking down the corridor to the staircase, the massive amount of students blocking the path.

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