Part 1

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They had just sat down for their second interview of the day during their American tour. Personally, John hated these interviews. They always asked the most shallow, meaningless questions. There were too many people in the crowd, some staring at them without blinking while others had side conversations, their whispers itching at his ears as the indistinct words they spoke disappeared into the buzz of the room.

He had a hard time paying attention to the mundane interviewer, wearing a basic suit and an all too common face. He rolled his eyes subtlety and scratched his chin absentmindedly as the man interviewing them asked yet another relationship question, directed at Paul this time.

"So, Paul, people have been saying that you're engaged, is that correct?"

These people were such idiots. They really needed to give it a rest. Paul wasn't engaged, who came up with these stories? Of course, Paul would answer politely like always where John would've yelled how stupid they were and to ask them real questions. He wished Paul would scream at them to get out of his personal business and talk about the actual music, the thing they really cared about and what they were there for. Paul wouldn't do that, though, he wanted everything to run smoothly and wanted to appear put together and courteous.

"No, not engaged," Paul spoke deliberately, attempting to stop the conservation at the obvious and not have to talk more about his relationship, which was not something Paul felt like thinking about. It was a fine relationship and Jane was alright and she was perfectly nice, but Paul really didn't see the relationship lasting much longer. They just didn't have the best connection, weren't right for each other.

The interviewer, however, was not satisfied with his answer and continued to press, "Are you sure? You and Jane are pretty close, no? Don't you love her?"

"Yes, of course, but-"

"So you could see yourself marrying her one day then?" The interviewer was obviously trying to get a clear answer from Paul, and, although he didn't really want to give one, he would have to so they could move on and be done with this interview.

John looked at the interviewer in disbelief, but luckily it went unnoticed, as he was still laser focused on Paul's awaited answer. What did he mean 'are you sure'? He scoffed silently and wondered how dumb these people thought they were. How could Paul be engaged and not know it? Idiots.

Paul sighed quietly and responded politely, "Yeah, I could definitely see myself marrying John. Someday, but not anytime soon." He finished with a weak chuckle.

Suddenly, the interviewer and the other three beside him were silent. And staring directly at him. What had he said, was it so bad that he might marry Jane one day? Why was everyone looking at him like he was crazy?

He could feel heat rising to his cheeks and an uneasy turn in his stomach. Why was no one saying anything?

After a few silent, awkward moments, the interviewer spoke, "John? Like John Lennon?" He pointed over at John, whose eyes were incredibly wide and burning holes into the side of Paul's head despite his failed attempt to appear unbothered. What was happening?

"John?" He questioned in confusion.

"You said John. You said you could see yourself marrying John."

What? Shit! He definitely did not mean to say that. This was not good. It must've slipped out accidentally, but it couldn't have meant anything. He didn't want to marry John, that was absurd. But then, why did he feel like some huge secret had been revealed to the word in that moment. He loved John, sure, in a friendly way of course. He couldn't be in love with him, that wasn't an option. His palms were sweating as he rubbed them against his trousers, desperately trying to come up with an explanation that would make any kind of sense.

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