Chapter 18

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Double update cause I'm feeling extra cute now that someone showed up exclusively to cancel me in the comments lmao

Enjoy <3


As the jet soars through the sky, Taylor's anxiety only intensifies. Thoughts of intrusive paparazzi and the potential backlash from her fans flood her mind. She frantically scrolls through her Twitter mentions, dreading what awaits her there. She's well aware that her privacy is constantly under scrutiny, and now it seems that she can't escape it even in her secret getaway with Elon.

With every passing minute, Taylor's once calm and relaxed demeanor crumbles. She can't help but wonder, is this newfound happiness with Elon worth sacrificing her privacy and potentially damaging her career? Deep down, she knows the answer is complicated.

Taylor's phone buzzes with a message from her trusted manager, and she hurriedly opens it, hoping for a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

"Taylor, don't worry. I've got this under control," the message reads. Taylor's mind fills with both relief and curiosity. What could Tree possibly have up her sleeve? She hesitates for a moment, nervous about the potential consequences, afraid of her dedicated fans turning against her due to this scandal.

But something inside her tells her to trust Tree, to believe in her expertise and guidance. Taylor takes a deep breath, reminding herself of the strong bond they share and the countless times Tree has steered her through difficult situations in the past.

Pushing aside her nervousness, Taylor decides to put her faith in Tree's plan. She replies with a shaky but determined message, "Okay, Tree. I trust you. Let's do whatever it takes to fix this mess."

As Taylor lifts her gaze from her phone, she finds herself staring at her own reflection in the plane's window. A mix of emotions swirl in her eyes: fear, uncertainty, but also a glimmer of hope. She knows that this situation could either make or break her, but she's willing to take that risk.

While the jet continues its journey through the clouds, Taylor's mind is racing with uncertainty. She wants to believe that everything will work out, but the fear of the unknown gnaws at her.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk is at the SpaceX headquarters, blissfully scrolling through his social media feed with a mischievous grin on his face. He can't help but think about the moments he shared with Taylor, the connection they formed, and the fun they had together.

But his grin fades almost instantly when he stumbles upon the leaked information about their secret dates. Concern fills his heart, and he immediately grabs his phone to reach out to Taylor, sending a text filled with worry and care.

"Hey Taylor, just saw what leaked. Are you okay?" he types, his fingers hurriedly tapping the screen.

Taylor's heart races as Elon's message pops up on her screen. She's so overwhelmed by the situation that her fear and anxiety get the best of her. A mix of frustration, worry, and stress takes hold, and she replies in a way that is sharp and inadvertently rude.

"Can't you see I'm dealing with a mess here? Just give me some space, Elon," she fires back, her words lacking the usual warmth and kindness he is accustomed to.

The abruptness of her response hangs heavily in the air, leaving Elon stunned and hurt. He never expected Taylor to react this way, especially considering the bond they had formed during their time together.

Taylor immediately regrets her harsh words, realizing that they don't reflect her true feelings.

Caught between regret and the urgency of the situation, Taylor is about to compose a heartfelt apology to Elon when suddenly another message from Tree Paine buzzes on her phone. A wave of shock washes over her, widening her eyes in surprise.

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