'Bee' careful!

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As swiftly as the McDonalds trip began, it'd ended, with Elizabeth upset about not going back to the play place, Evan sobbing and Michael laughing, William felt he'd had just about enough of McDonalds. 

"Michael, apologize to Evan." William said sternly, looking back and forth between one son sobbing and the other practically laughing his ass off, but he still waited for it. "Wait you weren't kidding??" Michael looked stumped, staring at Evan who were just absolutely hysterical.

"Go on, I'm waiting." Michael rolled his eyes and sighed, turning to Evan reluctantly and looking down at him. "I am sooo sorry,," He spoke sarcastically. "For?" William pushed further. "That you fell in the McDonalds and caused a big scene." Michael laughed once more, running over to the car and swinging open the passenger seat door, sitting down and slamming the door.

William facepalmed, and Elizabeth gave Evan a big pat on the back for dealing with Mike's bullshit. They all walked back to the car, William giving Michael a crazy side eye. In just a moment, they'd gotten back onto the road, and it was finally time to get to their campsite.

"No more pit stops, we have to get there before sundown to set up our tent." William said, then looking at the two children in the back through the car mirror, even if they were too distracted to see it. Evan had finally calmed, now preoccupied with whatever games he and Elizabeth had for long car rides.

After a bit, Michael rolled down his window, sticking his arm out it as if he were apart of one of those dramatic scenes in movies, letting his hair blow in the wind and all, but just to the luck of this car ride, a bee flew into the car.

"GET IT OUT-!" Elizabeth shouted, swatting at the bee, which just gravitated it anywhere except the open window, causing immense freak out in everyone except William, who just kept focus on the road as if his kids weren't practically screaming and jumping around.

The bee gravitated back toward Michael's window, to which he freaked out and swatted it, sending it to the ground of the car. "Oh." He said quietly, rolling up his window and laying back into his seat.

"Did you get it out!?" Elizabeth loudly spoke, questioning Michael. "Yeah,, you could,, say that." He said, stifling a few laughs, pretending as if he hadn't just gone and harmed a poor innocent bee.

"He killed it!" Evan yelled out and pointed at Mike, making accusations. True or not, he was a snitch. "Did not! How could you EEVERR accuse me of such a thing!?" Michael spoke dramatically, hand gestures and all. Elizabeth gasped, kicking Mike's seat a few times. "How could you!? That bee didn't do anything!" She shrieked, obviously angry that a poor innocent bee could've been harmed by her evil, mean older brother.

"I can't believe you!" Elizabeth pouted, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms. Michael looked back at Evan, giving a stare that could kill, to which he then mouthed the word 'snitch', then turning himself back around to be left to himself.

"So what happened?" William said, still keeping focus on the road,, he hadn't even taken notice to his kids arguing and freaking out in his complete devotion to keeping his eyes on the road.

Good driver,,? maybe?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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