The Show Ring

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The next morning couldn't come fast enough. At 5 o'clock sharp Haley's alarm sounded, and she woke up with a jolt. Only then realizing that today was the day. She launched herself out of bed, opened her closet, grabbed some jeans, and a sweatshirt, and got dressed. Then she quietly slid into the living area of her family's camper and said goodbye to her mom and dad before heading out the door. She slid on her dust covered boots and walked into the barn. The smell of fresh hay and horses hit her like a wave and immediately a smile crossed her face. She heard the whining of horses and the sound of trail poles being set in the arena. She was ready to tackle this show.

She headed to   stall, unlocked the door and stepped inside. Koko was fast asleep collapsed on the floor of her stall, Haley slowly sat down next to her and gave her a big hug. Koko leaned back and placed her head gentle on her lap. This was one of the sweetest little pictures of a girl and her horse. Then, hearing the sound of the barn door open then close, she heard John and Sophie walking down the aisle way. "Hey!" She called. "Morning!" Sophie responded. Haley could tell Sophie was excited even if she didn't show it. "Let's get tacked up and headed out to practice trail before they set up the show pattern. Sound good to meet in the north arena in 10?" John asked. "Sounds good!" Haley and Sophie responded, looking at one another with a grin on their faces.

Haley led Koko out of her stall, took off her blanket, and brushed her down. She then grabbed a saddle pad, her saddle, and her ear buds. "Music is always the best part" she said to herself. She scrolled through her music until she found "horse show playlist" and the first song to come on was "Welcome to the Show". "Well that's appropriate!" she thought. She and Sophie led their horses out of the stalls, and mounted up. They both headed to the ring for some last minute practicing.

The adrenaline of showing began to kick in. The trail poles were flying underneath her, the horses loping past, and her heart pounding. She loved trail. Koko was just so good at it! They were floating and Haley loved that feeling. "Halt for a second Haley." John said with a smile on his face. "Good job kid, you can go ahead and unsaddle. You two are ready." "Thank you!" Haley said. Praise from her trainers was something that boosted her confidence the most. So whenever John said, she did a good job, her confidence and excitement skyrocketed.

She took Koko back and untacked. She put liniment spray on the saddle marks and put all of her tack away in its place. She put Kokos sheet back on and put her back in her stall. She then headed to the camper for some rest and to do her hair and makeup. She couldn't wait for the day to begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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