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" Mom- " ' I'm busy right now. We need to take care of your grandma. Take care of your sister. I'm gonna hang up. ' " Wait mom- "

I flatter my eyes open and see that my brother is on his phone. I didn't say anything. I know he's on the phone with mom.

She doesn't care. I know.

My brother turned to me frustrated but immediately changed his expression after seeing me wild awake.

" You're awake. " I nodded. He stares at me. " What? " He looks at me worriedly. " Did you hear the conversation? " He asked. I nodded.

He then walked toward me and sat beside the bed. " I'm sorry. I tried- " " It's fine. " I don't think I'll ever blame him for anything. For the record, my baby brother is a gentleman and a sweetheart. He deserves all the love. Even if he's the reason my parents neglected me, I couldn't care much because they're not the only ones who love Helia this much.

" If they can't be here, I'll be here. " My brother said the most heartwarming thing to me. " I know. " I smile at him.

He then turned his sadness away with a laugh. Then someone knocks on the door.

" I'm back. " Jasper came inside the room. His eyes turn to me as he walks toward us.

" The doctor said that you can be discharged today. " I nodded. But that's not actually my real expression. I'm so happy to get out of this white house lookalike.

" And Helia. " He turns to my brother.

" Yes? " He waits for jasper to say whatever he was planning to.

" Chris is waiting for you outside. " Something's not right. I feel like Helia and Chris have been interacting too much to be just a ' friend '.

" What- "

" He's waiting. You should go now. " Jasper smirks.

" Are you gonna start using him to get me out of my sister's side now? Do you enjoy doing that? " Helia groaned as he stood up and headed to the door. " Yes and yes. " Helia looked back one last time and smiled at me before walking out.

I look at Jasper. " What? " He furrow his brow. " Why are you still here? " I asked.
" Can't I be? " I shrugs and turn away.

" I don't want you here. " I honestly told him.

" Just because your brother's not here anymore doesn't mean you could chase me away. I don't obey princess. " It's not like I'm gonna force you anyway. " Whatever. "

Perfect Memories ( Souvenirs #1 )Where stories live. Discover now