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// She was a beautiful mess, like a sky full of stars. //

Luke's POV

"So, honey, are you excited for your first prom?" My mom's face lights up, a wide smile spread across her face. Her hands grip onto the wheel of our car, and I adjust my seatbelt as we pull out of our driveway.

"Besides the fact that I don't have a date, sure."

"Oh don't worry, you'll have just as much fun with your friends." She looks over at me and the dimples on her cheeks grow.

I look over at her, but my mom's face is replaced by a familiar one- Violet. Before I can question, she is thrown from her seat and goes through the front window. I hit my head against the glass as an object splits my skin. My face goes numb, and all I hear is screaming.


I wake up, sitting up from my lying position. Sweat rolls down my face and Violet's hands are on my shoulders. Tears fall from her eyes, and I take her into my arms, burying my face into her hair that I've grown to love so much.

"I thought you were going to die." The shaky words fall out of her mouth as she brings her hand up to my hair. "Do you need some water?"

I nod and she gets up from her spot, planting a small kiss on my cheek, "I'll be right back."

The room is quiet, and even when I close my eyes all I can think about is the nightmare I just had. I've never had one about my mom, because the memories of my dad over the past few years have occupied my mind.

After my mom's death, my dad went through this stage where he was so mad at himself because he though that her death was all his fault. So, to get the thoughts out of his head, he would drink to convince himself that it was all my fault instead. He would drink and hit, drink and hit. A never-ending cycle of abuse. It was the worst 2 years of my life.

I hear footsteps pound up the stairs, and Violet walks in with a glass in her hand. She sets it on the table next to her bed and climbs into bed next to me, "Are you okay?"

I grab the glass and take a sip, looking at the clock. 2 a.m.

"Yeah I guess. I'm a little shaken up, but it was just another bad dream. I'm used to it."

She blinks, staring at the wall on the opposite end of her room, "What was it about?"

"I don't really remember," I lie, but really I don't want to think about it anymore. I untangle my legs from her sheets and stand up, pulling my sweater over my head. Violet's eyes are on me as I put a new shirt on, and slip my jacket over it. I grab the blankets from her bed and a couple of pillows.

She raises an eyebrow, obviusly confused why I have practically everything on her bed in my arms, "Where are you going and why do you have my blankets?"

"We're going, and it's a suprise," I grin and she groans, falling back onto her bed. I throw a pillow at her and it seems to get her attention, because she squeals and puts on her slip on shoes.

"I don't have to look pretty for this, right?" She asks, getting up and grabbing the pillow that I threw at her.

"You always look pretty," I wink and she nudges me in the arm before we walk out her bedroom door.

Thankfully, her dad is gone on vacation so we don't have to be quiet as we walk down the stairs and out the front door. I throw her blankets in the back of her truck and get in the front seat.

"You are not driving my car," Violet stands with her hands on her hips as I buckle my seatbelt.

"Uhm, yes I am. Get in," I grin and pull a bandana that I borrowed from Ashton out of my pocket. Violet scoffs, walking to the other side and gets in next to me, "Turn around."

She turns, and I wrap the bandana around her head, tying it in the back. I turn her head and plant a light kiss on her cheek, starting the car.

Violet buckles her seatbelt blindly, and searches for my hand. I grab her hand and interlace our fingers, driving towards our suprise destination.


Violet's POV

"Are we there yet?" I whine. It's been at least 10 minutes since we pulled out of my driveway and I'm getting annoyed.

"Almost, just be patient," Luke chuckles, squeezing my hand. I feel us go over a bump, and he lets go of my hand to park the car. He turns the keys and I hear the door open.

"Can I take this off?" I shout, lifting the bandana off my face to itch my forehead, "It's itchy."

"Babe, just give me three more minutes," a laugh escapes his lips and I hear him get in the back of the truck.

I wonder what the hell he's doing, but I don't want to get my hopes up so I decide not to think about it. I wait for at least 5 minutes until the door on my side opens. He picks me up bridal stile and sets me down after taking a few steps. He leans down, his breath hitting my neck, "You can open your eyes now."

I slide the bandana off my head, adjusting my eyes to the night sky. Luke stands next to my truck, and the blankets that he took from my room are set up in the back of my truck. A boquet of daisies that he picked from the grass are laying on a pillow. I climb onto the bed of my truck and sprawl out, and Luke climbs in after me, laying down next to me.

"It's so beautiful." I whisper, wrapping my arms around the boy next to me.

"Not as beautiful as you."

"How romantic." I laugh lightly and plant a kiss on his cheek. The wind blows slightly and he pulls a blanket over us. I rest my head on his chest, and he takes a deep breath.

"You died."

I lift my head up, looking at his blue eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"In my dream. You died. It was an exact replica of the day my mom died, but her face was replaced by yours. It was fucked up, and that's why I was so scared. So scared to lose you. Life is so short. So precious. You don't realize how much you appreciate the people in your life until they die. Which is why I want to spend as much time with you as I can. Even if it means going to prom with you, even if it means sitting in a field at 2 a.m. and staring at the stars. I've fucked up a lot these last few years, and I don't want to continue doing that. I don't want to disappoint you or my dad anymore."

"So this means you're going to prom with me?" A smile grows on my face, and I tangle my hands in his hair.

"If that's okay with you, yes." He leans forward and presses his lips to mine. As our lips touch I feel his sharp intake of breath. His tongue runs against mine and I can feel his cold lip ring on the corner of my mouth. His hands move to my hips and he pulls away slightly, planting a kiss on my lips, "Vi," he breaths and brings his mouth back to mine. He pulls me by my hips so that I'm touching him as he leans back against the pillows, never breaking the kiss.

We stay like this for a while, sharing laughs and getting tangled in the sheets. He moves to my neck, making marks that will for sure be there tomorrow, but I don't care. There is no place I would rather be than in his arms.

I know that I can't make him feel better all the time. I know that I can't always replace his sadness with happiness. But I will love him with each and every part of me. And when he still has love left over, he can use it to fill up the voids inside him so he has no choice but to self love.


WOW this is the longest chapter I've ever written, but I wanted to give you guys a little treat because I reached 400 reads today! It's crazy, just yesterday I had 232. Thank you for all of your support and for voting, I never thought this story would get this far. I have so many ideas for this story and I'm so excited to share them with you. Also, thank you for all of your positive feedback, I love seeing the comments. ILY all and hope you liked this update ;) #Vuke

P.S. I entered this story into the #Wattys2015 ! It's for newer stories, and it would be crazy cool if I won something. If you like this story & are bored one day, you can vote for me on twitter by tweeting the link to this story with the hashtag #MyWattysChoice ♡

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