reconciliation ݈݇-

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LOUISE ODAIR wants nothing more than to completely redo the rave'n. she wants to redo it and not get drunk and ruin her friendship with Xavier.

Xavier wants nothing more than to tell louise how he feels, tell her how important she is.

tell her that she's not a monster.

Louise count all of her steps on the way to the courtyard. that is, until she realises that it is parents weekend, and that her mother never comes.

as she enters the crowd of people, louise hears something about eugene's attack . . is he ok, please tell me he's ok? The girl thinks to herself. Her eyes widen when she sees wednesday and enid talking to eachother, "On the mend?" The raven haired girl mutters in disbelief.

"wait, eugene's okay?" Louise can't help but intrude on the conversation. Even though she isn't friends with eugene, she feels as though he's one of the nicest people at nevermore that she knows.

"he's in a coma" Wednesday turns to the two girls with a softened expression.
"have you been to see him? you're his friend" Enid is the next to speak, warily though, as she knows 'friends' are a sensitive topic for wednesday.

"i'm the reason he's in the hospital" she shakes her head and looks down, at this, louise walks up to her roommate and pats her on the shoulder awkwardly.

"that isn't your fault, the monster hasn't even attacked anyone in a week, you don't know it's patterns" the brunette says sincerely, "maybe you've finally scared it off" enid adds to the topic, a sense of optimism in her voice.

before the conversation could continue, Wednesday quickly turns her head two very familiar voices. it's her parents.

as Enid and Wednesday both complain about their families, Louise slowly walks away from the conversation, knowing she can't contribute anything to it.

she makes her way up the winding staircases of the school, and ends up at one of her favourite places, the roof.

the same roof that her and Xavier shared one of their deepest conversations. where they truely became friends.

that's enough!
stop thinking about him!

Louise rests her back against one of the walls and extends her legs. she reaches into her small schoolbag and takes out her sketchbook.

drawing has always been a coping mechanism for louise, she just sketches whatever she's thinking, and her thoughts flow onto the paper like water. it allows her to escape, to place her anger somewhere that's not her mind.

the silence is soon interrupted when the door to the roof flings open, and someone walks out in an angry manner.

"I thought i'd find you up here" he shakes his head while chuckling lightly, "i'll just, you know, lea~" Xavier's words are cut off by the girl before him telling him to stay.

louise changes her position so she's sitting cross legged, giving Xavier enough room to sit beside her.

this is awkward. the two haven't spoken since last week, when she told him to stay away from her.

"i'm not sure how much more of this family togetherness i can take" Xavier states, clenching his jaw as he looks down at the courtyard, where all the families are laughing together and being well.. families.

"xavier, you know you don't have to act like nothing happened. like i didn't completely fuck everything up," Louise ignore the boys comment, feeling the need to apologise.

"i kind of want to though" he laughs, "i don't want to stay away from you, louise" She makes eye contact with Xavier as he says this.

"i'm sorry for not listening to you, for not leaving when you said we should. i'm sorry for getting drunk and telling you things you shouldn't have had to hear" Louise rambles before being cut off as Xavier places a reassuring hand on her knee.

"Louise, you aren't a monster, and you won't hurt me. please, just give this" the teenage boy gestures between the two of them, "give us a chance. you need let people in"

she knows it's true, she's heard it all before.
but when the words come out of his mouth. Xavier's mouth.
it all seems true.

tears form in her eyes. stupid stupid stupid tears.
but as quickly as they come, they go, as she wipes them stealthily with the back of her hand.

The two make eye contact, and for a second, she swears she can see him inching closer towards her. for a second, she can feel herself moving closer to him.

but she can't.

"did your parents not come this year" she clears her throat, looking down at her mary janes.
"my dad never comes, i got a text this morning from him" Xavier notices that she switched the subject for a reason, and respects her decision.

"you?" he asks back.

"my mom hasn't come to one of these parent weekends, i haven't seen her since she dropped me off at nevermore" she shrugs her shoulders in reply, looking down at the happy families.

"maybe you'll misjudge her" Xavier looks at the girl with a slight smile, trying to cheer her mood up.

the two will never admit how much they missed each-others company even if they only stopped talking for a week.

they needed eachother, and that was clear to anyone except them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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