Chapter 1: Misaki's Night Duty

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Misaki's View.

[As I was born in the world, I was set on a mission. A misson to protect the Guangs and serve as their 'Elite Samurai'. Life...was hard, it was very. I trained my whole life to complete the mission, I didn't play outside like the other kids I stayed indoors training. I was never let outside our home. After what felt like centuries I passed the test, The Yunching Test, it's to tell whether I'm worthy
to carry the mission. I have to protect the Guangs, it's my lifeline. My father was one of the Elite Samurais in our family, he passed the test too but he regretted everything as the duty was very hard. He met my mother who was a maid in the palace and....they fell inlove, had three children my older brother, me and my younger brother. We trained a family, my older brother failed the test while I succeeded...he was...well... jealous of my achievement that he....ran away...never to be seen...again.]

•The Present•

[I am at my desk doing my duties, filing the files...creating escaping and attacking routes around the palace incase of an attack. It was an all night duty, never ending. It was 10 at night when I heard a scream. The scream was high-pitched and near the room where the Empress slept. I stand and went to the corridor, black smoke covered it and a shadow rising from the Empress's room. I ran to the room, hoping the Empress was okay. I heard another scream again but this time it turned into a laugh, an isane one and the shadow I saw before came in front of me.]

???: "HAHAHAHA ... I thought you never show up, Hunching Shogun... "

Misaki: "WHO ARE YOU?! "

???: "Let me rephrase that 'What are you?'."

Misaki: "Where have you came from?! And the smoke?! This walls are gas proof for any smoke to come inside!"

???: "Hmm.. let's see..I came from your night mares Misaki, if you try to escape me think AGAIN!!"

Misaki: "What have you done with the Empress?! Where is she??"

???: "Don't worry she's safe....from you."

Misaki: "What do you mean-?"

[After that the smoke covered me and I fainted while the shadow disappeared from my sight. And then I heard a voice calling me....]

???: "Misaki! Wake up!! Misaki!"

Misaki: "Huh? What happened? Oh...Sunita it's you."

Sunita: "You fell asleep on your desk Misaki.."

Misaki: "But I was at the Empress's room..."

Sunita: "What do you mean? You were here at your desk Misaki, you maybe dreamt something. Is anything bothering you lately?"

Misaki: " I'm fine thank you."

Sunita: "Alright if you need anything I'll be at the kitchen."

[Sunita walked away...what did she meant. I was here all night? But...maybe it's just a dream but it was surely wrong. I should visit the Shrine later afternoon. I grabbed my swords and went on my way. I walked on the same corridor it felt really wierd now.
I walked passed by the Empress's room, she was sleeping peacefully....thank god. I made my way to the Throne Room for breakfast... I hope there's udon. I sat where I was sitted always and waited for my food. When the food arrived, the Empress and her family also arrived and we ated together. ]

A/N: Hey~ hows the first chapter, it's short I know but I will add more don't worry!! 😘❤️

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