D8: Your Own End

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So... uh... hi. It's been a while. Short version, the final chapter is being a pain to write and my brain is like "but you don't like the outline, fix the outline first". Yea, it's just been uncooperative. But hey, here's another chapter and hopefully I can return to writing the final chapter after all this time.

The Null Void. A hellish place with a shining yellow sky, red floating rocks, and a network of pinkish strings holding everything together and fading into an ever present fog that seemed to be at the edge of vision. Filled with its partially artificial guards known as Null Guardians, made with a mix of dark magic and the DNA from various species of flight, species with scent and noise specialities, and species of strength. Some variations were even added later, he knew, that switched some of the species of strength with species of magic capabilities.

That wasn't counting the species who found their way into the Null Void and grew within the hell. Vulpimancers, Osmosians, golems, so many species he didn't even bother to remember.

Oh, that also didn't count creatures who were from COMPLETELY SEPARATE UNIVERSES apparently.

The bird-like man perched on a rock in front of him, a piece of Plasmol Scaleless Wyvern skin rolled up under their arm. The man-bird stared at him for a moment, then chirped, "So, got any idea where we are? I popped in this weird place, like... I think about two months ago or something and no one ever says what this place is. Either they don't understand me- how do you know Japanese, anyways?- or they try to kill me or chase me away. Well, some of them aren't that bad. Those big robots that's the size of that weird dude with the Cthulhu looking quirk are kinda nice, they just kinda rev at you if they don't wanna tackle you and I'm pretty sure they don't consider me tackling size. They're like two-stories tall and I'm small compared to them, you know?"

Phil twitched. The ex-Plumber sighed and brought a hand to pinch his nose. He then grumbled, "Are you talking about Vilgax?"

"Vilgax? That's a weird name."

"He's a Chimera Sui Generis."

"... what's a Chimera Sui Generis?"

"What's a quirk?"

"You don't know what quirks are?"

"Should I?"

"Pretty sure. Less than 20% of the population of Earth are quirkless and the majority of those are elderly."

"Then forgive me if you look like a hybrid between a Vinculo and either a human or Osmosian."

"What's a Vinculo and what's an Osmosian? Wait, did you ever say what this place is?"


"What is it?"

"Name first."

"Oh! I'm Pro-Hero Hawks."

Phil narrowed his eyes at Hawks, then said, "Welcome to the Null Void." Before the bird man could say anything, he added, "A prison dimension discovered by the Galvans."

"... I'm sorry, did you just say prison dimension?" Hawks blinked.

"You heard what I said," Phil deadpanned.

"This is a whole fucking other dimension," Hawks muttered, voice displaying his shock as he stared off into the distance. "You know, after everything I thought I would encounter after becoming number one, this was not one of them."

A roar filled the air and both of them turned to see a draconic being- a Blackfire Dragon, Phil knew- slam a grey squid-bat-Vulpimancer thing into the ground. Phil pointed at the grey creature and said, "That's a Null Guardian. We need to scram before it calls more."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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