Chapter 1

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Yn's Pov
Okay!! Today's the day I'm officially going to try and take the hunter's exam! I've been training myself for the past four years, working day and night. I just want more in my life than working as a "circus clown", which is wat they call me. I'm a magician!! Simpletons!! I packed a few items in my bag and shrunk it down to size, so it'll be easier for me to carry and not slow me down. And out the door I went! (Outfit in media)

*One very long plane ride over*

Ugh, well that felt like forever, I finally made it to the exam site. As the elevator door opened I was instantly greeted by a small green bean.

"Hi my name is bean! please take your badge and have a sit! Be sure not to loose it now"

The little green bean stated. I grabbed ahold of my number badge "100", Huh, I must be the 100th person here. I wonder how many people are supposed to come? As I put my badge on, I looked around the room to find a good place to sit at, when this chunky guy approached me.

"Hi! I'm Tonpa! You seem a bit thirsty from your travel! Here's a drink to commemorate our friendship "

He said with a smile on his face. Nonetheless I knew something wasn't right. He was being too friendly. I cracked open the can and instantly smelt there was something in the drink.

" What do you take me as?"

I said as I looked down at the idiot man trying to poison me.

"What do you mean?"

He said with a confused look on his face. Trying not to punch this man to the other side of the room, I simple poured the soda on top of his head.


Before he could finish his sentence, I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall.

"Listen here you little shit! Try to poison me again and today will be the last day you live! And I wont make it a peaceful death!

I said to him as he was trying to remove my hand, trying to escape. He said nothing and I gripped his throat even tighter.

"O-Okaay.... I-I'll leave y-you a-alone I p-pr-promise! P-Please d-don't kill me"

As he said struggling to get the words out while gasping for breath. I threw him across the room and went to go find a place to sit. Of course I ended up causing the attention of everyone in the room. Just my luck, I wanted to be unseen until we started the exam. That's when I felt the most interesting aura and a pair of eyes watching my every movement. I decide to pay the stranger no mind and found a ledge up top to sit on. "Great! a spot that no one will bother me!" I said in my head. I jumped up and got comfortable.

*Hours on Hours Later*

I don't recall how many hours had went by as I had ended up drifting off to sleep. I was awaken by a scream and then everyone else gasping and whispering.


Hmmm.. seems to me his arms are turning into flower petals! Now you see them, Now you don't! You should be more careful when bumping into someone! It's quite rude you know! ~

The guy with the pinkish reddish hair dude said. He was dressed as a jester almost, with a star on one side of his cheek and a tear drop on the other. "Hmmm Interesting" I thought as a smirk came across my face. He slowly turned around and we instantly locked eyes. Those golden eyes of his starred right through me as I couldn't help myself from staring back at him. A smirk came across his face and he slowly started making his way towards me. This must be the guy I sensed earlier. His Aura is... is... as I was still thinking to myself I sensed him right next to me! How the hell did he get over here so fast?

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