Chapter 4

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Yn's POV
  Ugh finally some fresh air!! Spending 72 hours cramped up in there was making me loose my mind. I'm glad Killua and his friends made it though, I mean not like I was worried or anything. After we left the tower, we all met outside and draw random numbers out from this box. Apparently the numbers we selected are the contestants we have to hunt down and steal their badge. I had pulled the number "80". I think it's the guy or girl, can hardly tell, with the rifle. This should be a piece of cake. We then all loaded up on a boat and headed to zevil island, we arrived hours later.

"Now we will be disembarking in the order you finished the tower!"
Said the boat attendant.

"Aww that means we're last!"
Gon said a little disappointed.

"Hey cheer up! It could be a lot worse" I said ruffling his hair.

"Don't speak so soon, look at who he picked" Killua said pointing to Gon's number

"You got Hisoka number!?!" I said at a whisper

"Yea! But I think I can do it!" He said with such determination

"Alright will the first person who completed the tower please exit!!" The boat attendant said happily.

  We all watched as Hisoka got up and disappeared among the tress. Five minutes after that was illumi, and then me. I still haven't decided rather or not if I wanted to tell Killua that his brother was here, but I also didn't want to ruin his time with Gon. I shrugged it off trying not to think about the situation and looked for somewhere to hide and wait for my target. He finally walked onto the island and headed straight for the trees. Of course he would be high up in the trees, it makes it easier for him to snipe his target. Still I had to be at a safe enough distance so he wouldn't notice me. Hours went by and I finally spotted him, he must've found his target cause he looked like he was ready to shoot. All of a sudden something flew through his sniper piercing his eye and killing him instantly. I watched as his body hit the ground and saw illumi picking up his badge.

"Damn it illumi! He was my target!!" I said jumping down, landing on my feet

"Sorry, but it appears that I was his" he said taking his own number from out the guy pockets

"Here! You can have it since I already have my six points" he said throwing it at me

"Thanks" I said rolling my eyes at the fact he took the fun away from me killing my target.

"I see you still like to roll those eyes of yours" He said as he let out a soft chuckle

"Can't help it when people annoy me!" I said as I turned around to leave

"Yn wait?"

"What illumi?" I said not even looking back at him

"I just really wanted you know I meant what I said back at the tower, I do still love you and I miss you! I never meant for thing to end the way they did and I'm sorry. I know sor-" he started saying as I cut him off

"illumi do you even know what your sorry for? You know ever since you started going on those missions with your dad and grandpa you've changed! You stopped caring about us, about me, and turned all your attention to your "family""  I said trying no to piss myself off

"I loved you and you couldn't even see what was right in front of you! You let your own father and your damn mother manipulate you! So I left! It was the most hardest thing I had ever done! 6 years illumi!! SIX FUCKING YEARS!! That you threw down the drain! And you still didn't care, you didn't even try to call me or reach out to me afterwards" I said at the point of breaking down

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