Barn Buddies

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Third Person

Tommy happily flapped his wings around before gliding gently down to the bottom of the barn, a horse sniffing his wings once landing. "Carl I'm fine, Phil and Wilbur said I can glide but to use it sparingly." Tommy says and pets the snout of the horse before running out of the barn. 

"It's all set up! It's all set up!" Tommy exclaims and runs to Techno who had two baskets of freshly picked apples. "Yeah? Well you can help me bring these freshly picked apples all inside." Techno says and hands off the baskets to the avian. "Got it!" Tommy says and runs the baskets into the house.

Inside the house was the rest of picked crops from the day, most of them being fruits. "I hope they like the barn, I took a while setting it up like a comfy nest!" Tommy says speaking out loud to himself and smiles before heading back out of the house.

"Oh there's a golden one?" Tommy asks while putting the baskets next to the sink. "Really? They don't grow often but they have "enchanting" apparently, Phil tells me to keep ahold of them as they don't rot." Techno says and looks at the golden apple in Tommy's hand.

A few hours passed and eventually Scott arrived with three people, one of them seeming more interested in the flowers and bee hive than walking. "They're here Techno!" Tommy shouted running out of the door of the house, with a light glide landing in front of the four people.

"Hello again Tommy, this is Stacy," Scott says pointing to a brunette wolf hybrid, "Tubbo," he says pointing to the short burnt satyr with flowers in his hands. "And lastly—" "Grian!" Tommy exclaims over Scott before chuckling.

Techno walked over and talked with Scott while the non-humans talked to eachother. "I'm Tommy, I'm a Nashville Warbler avian." He says and shakes the hand of the satyr. "Tubbo! And I'm a satyr." He says and kicks the ground with the goat legs. "Stacy, and I'm just a wolf hybrid. Nothing too special." She says and shakes his hand.

"You already know me." Grian jokes and smiles, "I'm going bring them over to the barn!" Tommy yells to Techno gives a thumbs up. "Come on!" He exclaims and leads them to the barn. 

The three stopped and looked at the horse, "Oh that's just Carl, he's Techno's horse." Tommy comments pausing already on the ladder. Grian flies up as Tubbo and Stacy follow Tommy up the ladder.

"So this what I set up, you can change it however you want and there's a chest over there for whatever you may not want out in the open." Tommy says pointing around the loft area. "It's great, thanks Tommy!" Grian says. "Yeah thank you!" Stacy repeats and finds a spot to be her bed. 

Tommy smiles and falls backwards, gliding down to the ground of the barn. "Do you want me to close the barn door?" He asks reaching the door, "Sure, there's a lantern right there and a skylight." Tubbo replies as the blonde closed the doors of the barn so they'd be slightly safer in case anything did see them. But that was just his anxious thoughts, they were out on Techno's farm there aren't any hunters.

Word count: 545

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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