Chapter 20: Sucker for you

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Melinda's POV:

This night has been just plain awful. Yasmine is in my house having dinner with me and now my friends think something else about me.

I had to drag them to the garden before they say anything crazy in the presence of my mom or Ross. "What on earth is happening in there, why is Yasmine having dinner at your house?" Amanda practically yells out when we are just 3 feet apart. "My mom invited her boyfriend who seems to be Yasmine's Dad. I just found out today." I defend. The look on Yara's face is an irritated one.

"Why didn't you just refuse to let them in or something and are you with Ross now?" Yara gibs me. Is she actually asking this right now? "Yara this isn't my house you know I don't just kick people out. Me and Ross have nothing to do with what is happening in your love life." I am so overwhelmed with everything and everyone is just in my face for no reason at all. How is any of this my fault.

Yara scoffs "Wow Melinda seriously, of course why on earth would you care about my life both Amanda and me just listen to the stories of your love life on end give you advice that you never take almost everyday. But my troubles are way to much for you." Yara yelling at me has never happened before. I get she is upset but so am I right now.

"That is not fair at all." tears start forming in my eyes and my voice is shaky. "What is not fair is you putting yourself before everyone all the time. We are tired. All of this for Ross Blaze a guy who is nothing but your stupid rebound! Does he know that? " Amanda defends herself and Yara having me feel all alone. It was their idea to get a rebound and now they blame me. The tears starts running down my face. I am crying and so are they.

"Girls is everything okay out here?" My mom steps out into the garden. "Yes Mrs. Thor we were just leaving. Come on Amanda. We have clearly been replaced here." Yara and Amanda walk away to the front of the house. I wipe my face and try to recollect myself. Did I just lose my friends and over what Yasmine. I walk towards the door to try and get back in the house. "Dear uhm Ross left he said something about his parents wanting him home early." Ross going home early? That doesn't sound right. But I really don't care right now. "Are Yasmine and her Dad still here?" I hope not because I will lose it.

"They left a couple of minutes ago because I wanted to speak to you about everything." Talk to me? About what she seems to be doing everything then informing me when it late. I walk into the house heading to my room and she follows me. "Linda would you stop being so rude" I walk in the room and slam myself on my bed.

"Ma please just get out because clearly you don't care what I think." I just want cry alone in my room and be left alone. "I care about what you think but you should also remember that I have a life to live as well." And there it is. "Mom please go live your life do as please as far as I am concerned Dad was the only parent how cared-" the words just come out.

I feel a slap on my face. "Melinda do not ever disrespect me. I am your Mother not your friend remember that." She storms out of the room, getting of the bed I slam the door shut. I go back to bed and start crying. I lost my friends, my mom is being childish and everything is messed up with Henry and Ross. I just want to be away from everything and everyone.

Ross's POV

30 minutes earlier*

Melinda has been out there for a while now I wonder what they are talking about. "Ross when are we going to talk?" Yasmine whispers almost to quietly for even me to hear. "Why do we even need to talk?" I hope she gets that I don't want to talk to her. "We have a lot to discuss you and I that no one at this table can know about." She clearly didn't get the hint. "No we will not talk about anything because you and I don't know each other." I try finishing my desert so I can get up out of here.

"Mrs. Thor thank you so much for dinner but I must get leaving now my parents just texted me saying I have to be home. So I have to leave." I announce at the table breaking the conversation she was having with Mr. Darwin. He seems to be comforting her probably she is upset about the whole marriage thing. "Of course. Drive safe honey." she smiles and I get up from the table but I should probably say goodbye to Mel so I walk to the garden first.

I hear a bit of yelling, I wonder what is going on. Are they fighting or what? The door is slightly open and someone says something that gets my attention. "We are tired. All of this for Ross Blaze who is nothing but your stupid rebound. Does he know that?" What did she just say. Melinda is just silent I immediately walk to the front door because I don't want anyone finding me here especially Yasmine.

I get in my car and start driving. So all this time I was her rebound she was using me this whole time to get over that Harry guy I am sure of it. Why the hell would she pick me of all people? I mean I am not likely to fall for a girl. Why is it that the girls I want to like always do this to me. Why would she do this I was ready to give her my commitment and forget about the dare.

I arrive home and my parents seem to not be home yet. I walk to my room and lay down on my bed. I thought Yasmine did me dirty but Melinda outdid her. I am so proud that a girl actually played me and I didn't catch on. Which means this all doesn't mean anything to her. She is still in love with her ex and here I was about to ruin myself all for...her. This is why I hate the idea of love, you are never sure if the other party feels the same. There isn't that much time left but I am definitely going to make her admit to loving me and I will break her heart. Since she is lying to me it's only fair that do the same too.

I open my phone and enter our chat and type in.

*Hey love. Sorry I left without saying goodbye. The fam wanted me home early. I will be there tomorrow to check up on you. Goodnight = )*

I will make sure I finish my dare there is no way that I will be made a fool. Never. I was close to being a sucker for you Mel but you played me so the game is back on.

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