Journal Entry No. 2

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November 15, 2023
Time started writing: 10:45 pm
Time ended writing: 11:05 pm

It felt like it had been a long time since I wrote another journal entry when it's only been a week or so.  Not once did I forget to write journal entries here, it pops up in my mind from time to time. I'm just too busy to write anything at the moment. 

You know, I'm kind of convinced to bring my laptop to school to work on writing more instead of writing in my notebook alone but it wouldn't be advisable because the one I'm using isn't even a traveling laptop... And I'm scared that the school air will magically somehow break my laptop, like what happened to my friend's laptop when he brought it to school. And I honestly doubt that I'd be able to write much while using my laptop to school if I ever brought it... I know, it doesn't make sense for me to wish for something with negative consequences but it's the possible thought of wishing to actually do it that keeps me thinking about it. Does that make sense? No? Understandable if not.

I'm upset at the fact that it feels like I'm neglecting my passion for writing when I'm really not, I just barely have any time to publish anything. My grade 10 friends really did speak the truth when they said that grade 9 is the busiest grade/school year. (For me and my classmates, personally.) I began to paint an art piece inspired by the Renaissance period since that was the supposed theme my art teacher gave me. I'm still painting the base color, but the process seems suspicious... I'm not sure if what I'm painting is Impressionism or an actual Renaissance-inspired painting. On Monday, which was the day I began my painting, I heard the boys from behind giggling and laughing because of their paintings. I looked behind and saw that it was rather... questionable. But I found it hilarious. Maybe it was because of their childish laughter. Or perhaps it was the way their paintings looked hideously humorous. One classmate of mine complained about why he got a darker shade of green as he covered the lighter shade of green grass and my shoulders couldn't stop shaking in laughter. I honestly don't know why I found it funny, but it was just funny.

I went a bit personal there but that was something I wanted to share. It's ironic that I enjoy painting but the process of it makes me hate it. I absolutely hate creating mistakes in painting because I'm unsure if I could cover it up or embrace it or repeat the entire thing which I didn't want to do at all. 

Okay, I'm just yapping at this point. But journal entries are writings about one's thoughts and things, right? So my thoughts in this journal entry are about painting and art. 

I don't know. I just wanted to type something that happened in my week. It wasn't as exciting as one would might think but for me, I'm enjoying it. (Except for the assignments, that's different.)

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