“Yukio, where are you going?”
Yukio put on an oversized coat that Toshihiro gave him and walked out of the carriage.
Toshihiro had fortunately buried Akuto about an hour ago.
“I’m going to go look for Y/n.”
“But it’s dangerous!”
Aunt Marie looked at Yukio worriedly. She was told to stay with Yukio as Kurai went to look for you.
He still wasn’t back yet…
Toshihiro looked at the young boy and shook his head.
This caused Yukio to look down at the ground and clench his fists.
He frowned.
Toshihiro put a hand on his shoulder and knelt down so that they were both head to head.
“How about I look for her instead?”
Yukio didn’t even look at Toshi. He just stared at the ground with furrowed eyebrows.
“No! I want to look for her myself..”
Toshihiro put his hands on Yukio's shoulders and spoke in a stern voice.
"Yukio, you can't go!-"
Yukio pushed Toshi away and ran out of the carriage.
It took a few seconds for Toshihiro to process what happened before he called after him.
"My Prince, do you regret what you did?
Kurai sat in a secluded part of the carriage with a hand on his forehead.
"Of course not."
This converaation..
It happened when you found out that Akuto was....
"Not even a bit of guilt...?"
Mamoru still held a little hope that Kurai would finally come to his senses.
Was this really the little boy he took care of?
"The young princess wouldn't approve of this if she were here."
This seemed to catch Kurai's attention as he sent a glare Mamoru's way, immediately causing him to shut his mouth.
"You don't know why I did what I did. Stop assuming you know everything about me."
Kurai got up from his chair and slammed his fist on his desk.
The two dolls that were sitting on the shelf above the desk both fell, but Kurai only caught one, causing the other to hit the ground.
"My beloved Y/n's heart was stolen by a failed creation, so I naturally had to get rid of him."
Kurai carefully put the h/c back on the shelf and stepped on the one on the floor.
"When I found out the maid wanted revenge on Y/n, I made a deal with her. I ordered for her to kill that boy in order to make Y/n suffer since Y/n suffering was all she wanted."
Kurai gritted his teeth as he took off his hat and threw it on the ground.
"But I wasn't expecting her to be impacted that much!! And that stupid maid... she went behind my back and tried to kill my fiance!!!"

♡𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 ♡
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