The Kratt Brothers

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Once upon a time the earth looked so very bad. The sky was dark and smoky 24/7. The water biomes were full of algae. Even though there are still towns full of people, they were no other choice but to eat vegan stuff. 

The one thing that the entire world needs are animals.

Then in one town walked out the reporter.

Years have past and she is now 26 year old

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Years have past and she is now 26 year old. She was walking from the town through overpopulating forest. She saw a sign that says the street of the lifted Kratts Brothers.

Who were the Kratt Brothers?

Why were they there?

And why were they lifted

And taken somewhere.

Then she reached a big house, and near them stood 5 graves that said.

Rip Zach Varmitech

Rip Donita Donata

Rip Gourmand

Rip Paisley Paver

Rip Nostril

Then Dabio and Rex peak out the window and tells the reporter how the Kratt brothers were lifted away.

"It all started when the grass was still green and the sky was blue. We were walking into the forest with Zach Varmitech, Donita Donata, Gourmand, and Paisley Paver in our vehicles."

"I worked for Donita Donata." Dabio said.

"I worked for Paisley Paver." Rex said.

"Then we saw how disgusting the animals were. The dragons played with the birds. The dinosaurs danced with the tape worms. The snakes jumped with the serpents. The nakali apes play with the Muskox. Not to mention gourmand had a dog named nostril.

So we unloaded our vehicles and opened a small shop.

Then gourmand invented a vacuum beam, went to Mauritius and shot down a dodo and went to kill fire salamanders. Then our enemies arrived to stop us: the Wild Kratts.

The kratt brothers Chris and Martin. The Wild Kratts crew Aviva, Jimmy Z, and Koki. The last ones are the Kratt kids."

Martin said "What are you going to do with those animals?"

Zach said "You can eat your words Wild Ratts!"

Then gourmand fried the dodo's body to make a meal and Donita used the fire salamanders' skins as clothes.

Then Zach used the vacuum beam to catch a black widow spider and used it in one of his machines.

Then we sold them to a few people.

Then Donita build a laser beam that can hunt creatures of the water because the vacuum might suck up the water. Then doing this work ourselves are too slow. So we sent in posters to help get employees and they arrived at our shop.

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