Happy new year

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Tonight is new years eve, Leah and I will be spending it at the traditional new years party that Beth and Viv host. I have heard that there will be lots of people from different clubs and countrys, it is a friends from friends kinda party. I am getting ready with Katie, she is in the bathroom doing her make up while I am ironing my blouse until the doorbell goes. 'Katie you go' I shout to her from my room 'No you, it is probably your girlfriend' She shouts back 'It could also be yours' I shout back as I walk towards the door and open it. A smile grows on my face as Leah stands their, I admire her for a second before complimenting her 'Wow Leah, you look stunning' 'I think you forgot your clothes' She giggles as she gives me a kiss and places her cold hand on my bare stomach which makes goosebumps appear all over my body. 'I was ironing my blouse' I explain as we walk into the livingroom where I was ironing. I grab my blouse from the irontable and put it on, buttoning it all the way to the top and pull my blazer over it. 'Am I looking good?' I ask Leah as I spin around 'Almost' She says as she walks over the me and unbottons the top two, I chuckle at her actions. 'Now your perfect' Leah says as she pecks my lips, I pull her closer and deepen the kiss letting my hands go on her bum. 'Jikes' Katie says as she enters the room 'Your just jealous your girlfriend isn't as hot as mine' I say putting my arm around Leah her shoulder 'You do look amazing' Katie says to Leah. Not much later the doorbell goes again and this time it is Ruesha, she wolf whistles when she enters the room 'I have chosen the wrong girlfriend' She says as she sees Leah, this gets her a slap from Katie and wink from me.
We chat some until we need to head towards the club Beth and Viv have rented. The 20 minute ride is filled with laughter and banter, Ruesha and Katie are sitting in the front and me and Leah in the back. Ruesha and Katie both have Irish humour which makes me laugh a lot and both of their accents are terrible which makes it 10 times funnier for me. But they probably think that about my Australian accent too.

 But they probably think that about my Australian accent too

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^ Your outfit

^ Leah her outfit

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^ Leah her outfit

Reusha parks outside the club Beth and Viv have rented, it is already very packed when we go inside. We walk towards the bar with my hand on Leah her lower back letting her lead the way, underway we have a little chat with a few famous footballers and other people. Leah knows a lot of people, or a lot of people know her. It takes a while until we arrive at the bar, I order a scotch for me and a tropical cocktail for Leah. Since Leah I have had my alcohol consumption under controle, I do still drink but only at partys or special events such as tonight. I notice Charlie Grant and Katrina Gorry walking in 'Le, I am going to say hi to a few people' She nods and continues her conversation with Gabbi George and Lisa Evens, I give her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking over to them. 'What are you doing in London?' I ask suprised and giving both a hug, expecting them to celebrate new year in Australia. 'We got some news' Gorry says with a big smile 'Your pregnant?' I joke which makes them laugh 'No' Gorry says inbetween laughs 'We are transfering to London, I am going to Tottenham and Gorry is joining West Ham' Charli says with a big smile 'No way?!' I say raising my eyebrows, the both nod with a big smile 'That is amazing'. We talk some more about different things such as little Harper until I take them to Caitlin, Kyra, Steph and the other Australian girls, we have some more small conversation about everything and nothing before I excuse myself to get a new drink.

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