Vacation - part 3

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Day 6

This morning we said goodbye to the girls when they went with the taxis to the airport to fly back home while Leah and I took another one bringing us to our accommodation for the next two days. The house we booked is a lot smaller and more secluded then the big house we were in with the group. The terrace faces the sea, when you walk down the stairs you are directly at the beach, the beach house has a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, small outside terrace and as extra a hot tub behind it.
After we arrived we didn't do much, spent the day chilling on the beach in front of the house, tanning, swimming in the clear blue sea and most of all enjoying having some time with just the two of us. Now we are both getting ready for dinner, I have reserved us a table in a restaurant not far from were we are staying. 'Le, are you ready to go?' I ask as she is still in the bathroom doing god knows what 'Almost' She responds before I hear the crane go on. I lean against the kitchen counter checking my watch as my feet taps the wooden floor in anticipation, we have 20 minutes left till the time I have reserved and the walk is 15 minutes. I push myself of the counter and walk to the mirror in the bedroom checking my outfit once again, I wipe of the imaginary dust when I notice the bathroom door open and Leah steps out. I feel my heart beating faster as I look her up and down, taking her appearance in. 'Damn' I whisper under my breath as my eyes lock with hers, Leah lets out a small giggle as a light blush forms on her cheeks 'Approved?' She asks giving me a kiss on the cheek while she passes me to grab her purse. I am still flabbergasted by her so I swiftly look up at the ceiling and gather myself again. 'Absolutely' I say with a wide grin still not able to look elsewhere then at her, Leah walks back to me and pulls me in for a kiss. 'Your stunning too' Leah says against my lips before I quickly attach our lips for another needy but loving kiss.

 'Your stunning too' Leah says against my lips before I quickly attach our lips for another needy but loving kiss

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^ Your outfit

^ Leah her outfit

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^ Leah her outfit

The walk towards the restaurant was nice. The sun was slowly setting which gives the beach and the sea a beautiful golden glow. Our hands were intertwined during the whole walk to the restaurant while we had silly conversations about everything and nothing, more Leah talking about whatever she felt like talking about and me listening to her sweet voice. 'Good evening and welcome to restaurant el mar' The hostess says as we step inside the luxurious but cozy restaurant 'Do you have a reservation?' She asks with a friendly smile 'I do, under the name y/l/n' I say and she starts tapping on the tablet in front of her while her eyes scan the screen. 'Here it is, please follow me' She says with a polite smile and walks into the restaurant, we follow her up the stairs leading us towards the outside area were our table is. I pull the chair out for Leah before I sit down myself 'Here are your menu's, do you already have a drink in mind?' The waiter asks friendly 'We will do a champagne' I let him know and he nods before turning around and leaving. 'Champagne?' Leah asks confused, I move my eyes from reading the menu to Leah who looks at me with big eyes 'To celebrate our vacation' I explain and Leah lightly shakes her head before focusing on the menu. The same waiter brings us our drinks and we order a few small appetizers and new drinks before continuing with our conversation. 'Are you ready to order your main?' Another waitress asks when Leah and I have finished our starters, we both nod 'Can I have the mixed fish but with fries instead of roasted potatoes?' I ask with a polite smile, she nods as she writs my order down 'And for you pretty?' She asks turning to Leah which makes my head snap to her at the nickname 'Can I have the paella?' Leah asks ignoring the nickname 'Of course you can' She says also writing Leah her order down and taking our menu's before leaving. 'Fries?' Leah questions my order 'I felt like fries instead of potatoes' I shrug my shoulders as I take a sip from my drink, Leah giggles before she also takes a sip. I stare at Leah while she watches the sun slowly disappearing behind the horizon, Leah shifts her gaze towards me with a small smile on her face 'It is really beautiful here and the food is delicious' She says with a sparkle in her eyes of enjoyment 'Me too' I agree with her as I smile back. The waitress comes to the table with our food 'Would you like something to drink?' She asks more to Leah then to me 'Can I have a new white wine please?' Leah asks and the waitress nods 'For me a new beer' I say a bit brief 'I will be back' She says giving Leah a wink. What the fuck is she thinking?!

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