What a Messy Mission.

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A Few Minutes after
The last Chapter.

On the Outside of the Walden, here we see Vertin, aPPLe and the Elite Squad of the St. Pavlov foundation waiting to get inside the Walden.

 Pavlov foundation waiting to get inside the Walden

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Vertin: "Thanks for coming to assist."

St. Pavlov Captain: To make you ask Madam Z for help. It must be very tough here."

Vertin: "I just don't feel good about this, hopefully its my misjudgement. Is everyone in possition?"

St. Pavlov Captain: "Yes, eight of the Team get the invitation to the gathering. They have entered separately, others are standing by at every entrance of the speakeasy."

"These a are the intells about "The Walden". They're going to have a live duel show tonight."

"Fighters can stock in amount of one million dollars. And the betting odds can be form of 5 - 1 to 10 - 1."

Vertin: *Sigh* "...They are crazy."

St. Pavlov Captain: "Timekeeper, please take this with you. It is the latest product of the Scientific computing centre.

"Heaven Apostle 34:7", they added a cell sap of bombard ball to it. Unfold its wings, And it will blast in 15 seconds."

"The Blast ins indirectional, so watch your position when you use it."

Vertin: "Got it, lets go to the Walden now. You follow aPPLe. Remember to stay low profile."

Small Timeskip.

Our Scene switch inside the Walden, Theres a sound of clapping and cheering from everywhere inside and the Barkeeper made an announcement.

Forget Me Not: "Everyone, everyone, welcome..."

" All the new Immigrants, arcanists, moralities and immorralities, Anti-Saloon league and democratic progressive. Free thinkers and church Goers."

Forget Me Not: "Welcome to your Eternal home, "The Walden". How was it, you seemed to have enjoyed the last show. The hooch dance girl with the Constrictor."

"Well in that case, next round python sweets is on me. I assure you chicagonian, who loves the Yak yak Bourbon. You won't forget its charm."

"Oh, oh. I guess your eyes are fixed on the charts, lets focus on the next duel instead. Trust me, and you'll get the return of the Craziest imagination."

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