A businessman's son.

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"I remember the honed stone skewering into the soul of my foot."

"The way sweat dribbled down the sides of my face, and into the wind that thrusted fast behind me. Blowing the air in the faces of the darkness that lurked."

"I don't believe I have ever run faster."

"I felt as if I were to ever slow down, Humanity as a whole had given up. Give up on me."

"Even as branches swatted at my cheeks, battering my skin. I had to run because if I didn't, he would get hurt."

"I had to run right into his arms, no matter what sin it was at the time. To remind him once more that I would be there for him."

"He was my world." 

I kicked at the cobblestone street underneath my boots. I then followed Father into the crowded traffic that came after 12. I noticed once I had reached age, the town appeared quite lucent. When I was younger, coming to the square in the afternoon was like skipping through a berry patch. But now, It felt as if I had to be proud I was even allowed to walk there. 

My father was a very wealthy newspaper owner. He was considered the most handsome among the women... And always seemed to have a new toy here and there. I was taught never to question these ladies. However, you can also assume when you hear so many voices during the night. Even with all these rumors surrounding my father's name, he was a good man. I wondered if I could ever fall in love with a slim, beautiful lady. Just as my father did with my mother. 

I gleamed at the thought and pushed through the entrance doors with my father. We were greeted with cheers and clanking of metal. The office was always busy during the earlier hours with everyone attempting to dig up the town's newest story. It smelt of ink and freshly printed paper. It was a smell that tagged along no matter where I went.

"Hiram, my boy!" an old man squawked, waving his hand around signaling me.

I smiled lightly and found my way over to him, kneeling at his side.

"What is it?"

He laughed before studying my face a tad. "Have you heard of the news? The rich have plans to buy this place!"

This old man must be insane. I scrunched up my face and narrowed my eyes before asking what he meant.

"They have been sayin' there are new people in town... with loads in their pockets! And that they've been eyein' this place for a while, my boy." He cackled his words before heartedly beating my back. I choke at the thought. Who would want to purchase my father's business? What would we do without it?

"Ah... Is that so old man?" I questioned. "Do you happen to know who these people are then?"

"Well, I don't know diddlysquat, boy!" He flashes his dirt-stained teeth at me and shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe you should ask that papa of yours.".

What the fuck. My dad? Sell his wealth to whom? I stand quickly, glancing sharply at the weary man. He shuts his lips as a response, finally understanding what he had just said to me.

"My father would not hand his work to anyone. No matter how big the price tag may be." I quipped.

I stormed out of the building and onto the burnt road. "Who?" I pondered. I haven't heard of any news relating to someone wealthier than my father coming into town. And that's saying something when the news is all I ever hear. My steps become heavier as I begin to stomp out my feelings on the pavement. Who the hell could it be? Someone from up north? Perhaps royals have come to test our loyalty to the parliament...

It would be hard to believe someone is out to attack my father after all he has worked for. Maybe, It was because of an affair he had with a woman. Or worse, someone just hates his moldy guts. My mind races around my skull, banging at the walls that surround. Fuck..

I was lost deep in thought, I stopped paying attention to my surroundings and rammed right into someone. My ass whacked the rock under me hard, and I groaned in pain. I scratch my head, opening my eyes slowly.

"You! Put your hands up!". A voice yells to me.

The glare from the sun slurs my eyes from helping me process what's happening. Scared in the moment, I emerge from the ground and rub my eyes. Today has been so taxing, it really can't get any worse, can it?

Once my vision began to clear, I looked around and marveled at the sight in front of me.

He was tall and luring. His hair was pastry white, and it curled slightly down to his ears. While his eyes were golden yellow. It felt as if they could be jewels worth more than me. His skin was pale and covered in bold black and grey clothes. But what stuck out the most was the bright blue umbrella he had, shielding him from the rays.

"Wait, Wait!" he pleaded, holding a hand back on the chest of a man painted in gold armor. "It was just an accident.". The knight jolted at this cry and lowered his gun from me. It then straightened up its posture before bowing apologetically.

He walked closer to me, concern expressed all over his pours. "Are you alright? I do hope you can forgive me, I was not looking where I was going.".

He had this doll-baby feel, but he was somewhat of a man. Like I.

I was so lost in his sound, that I almost forgot to respond.

"Ah... Uhm! No, Do not mind it! I too wasn't paying any attention to the street." I muttered, unable to keep my head.

He smiled at me softly, his eyes still somehow glimmering with no sunshine to mirror them.

"Well then..." He adds, "Do you happen to know a newspaper manufacturing down here?"

"I am searching for a man who plans to sell it to me." 



Authors note ! 

hello everyone, this is King :D 
I really hope you enjoyed this story about my two OC's; Hiram and Ambrose. 

Perhaps if this Wattpad does well, I'll write a little more..! I also have drawings and art of these characters. 
I will let you all right now, the ending is not the happiest :( But, I wouldn't hurt you guys with a forever sad tale.. I'd always be glad to write different AU's! 

I am taking criticism, so if you have anything please keep it positive! 

Thank you so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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