7 Reds suns vs Gormound's foul stench

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7 red suns looked over the horizon, using a comically large telescope to spy on the devious five pebbles. As he had been drinking a lot of water.... Too much, he narrows his eyes and a squeaking sound comes with it when suddenly he sees a spot of gold on the horizon.

At first he assumed it was the rising sun, but it was the middle of the night. The creature stepped forwards, the ground shaking before it as it was incredibly obese.

A loud 'pffpt' sound was heard even from Seven Red Sun's can. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow in confusion as suddenly his view was obstructed by a green gas secreted from the rear end of the fat slugcat.

He looked up, seeing the cloud of green quickly approaching his can... It was too late, no one could save them now....

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