Chapter 6: Aftershock

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His eyes shut again; he was dreading this game, but he knew they would make it. They trusted each other more than they trusted themselves at this point.

"I don't want to." he groaned, "I just want to remember that I'm with you."

Usagi giggled; there it was again, that beautiful sound from his lovely girl. She noticed his adoring smile, and she did what any sane girlfriend would do. She asked, "Can I kiss you?"

"Of course." his tone was sickeningly sweet.

She pressed her lips onto his, and for a few seconds, nobody else existed. When she pulled away, she moved her hands from his face which made him finally look at her again.

"What?" she smiled, "don't look at me with those eyes."

"What eyes?"

"Time is up, pick a room and state your symbol."

Usagi mumbled something of a "that's great. Just great."

Chishiya silently pleaded that nobody would give them any trouble after they got out, "go," he lightly pushed her, his cold hand reaching her back, "I'll meet you here, when you're done."

Usagi nodded, grimly accepting her fate.

She entered a room, "spade." holding her breath, she waited for her demise; it didn't come.

She sighed "holy shit."

Chishiya almost mocked the game, "diamonds."

He knew Usagi would never lie.

Walking out with the smugness of a king, he waited to find Usagi. She came out a few moments later, running to him.

"What happened?" he slightly chuckled, silently praying that she was okay.

Usagi shook her head silently. She was thanking her lucky stars they were in this game, rather than anything else.

She was quick to change the subject. "Is Morizono okay, do you think?"

Chishiya nodded, "I'm sure of it."

He hated this feeling; uselessness. He couldn't bear to look at Usagi right now.

When he looked away, Usagi felt her heart drop to her stomach, almost immediately. She tried to gain his attention once more, "Chish?"

He mustered up a small smile for her sake. "Yes?"

But yet again, people saw the couple and they gawked, they stared, they did anything they could to decipher them without having to walk up to them.

Chishiya, honestly, scared them.

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