Chapter 23: it's You

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Usagi asked what was wrong with him; "are you okay?"

He couldn't say anything, he didn't know what to say.

"Chishiya," her desperate tone unraveled itself, "what happened?"

"SHUNTARO!" the piercing scream rang across the otherwise empty town. "Oh, fuck, shit, fuck! Shuntaro!" she distressed, coming to his side, holding his face in her hands gently.

"No, no, no," she kept mumbling, hoping her pleas with the universe would stop the bleeding, "stop, stop, this isn't... no it's not real..."

"Oh my g- Chishiya!" Kuina stood, distanced behind Usagi.

"Look at me," Usagi demanded with a cry, "look, no..."

The memories hit him again. He was no longer dying in front of her, but he sure felt like he was. His heart had stopped twice already. Once in the borderlands and once when he first saw Usagi again.

"Do you remember?"

"Remember what?"


He remembers everything.

Kuina slipped out of the room, not wanting to disturb her new friend and her weird situation.

Usagi shrugged his weird attitude off, patting the space next to her, "sit."

"C'mere, Shuntaro." Usagi sat up on her elbows, looking at him through halfway closed lids, "sit next to me."

As he sat, he tried to figure out how to say "I died for you."

So, he just didn't.

He tried to say how much he really loved her; that would scare her off. He didn't want that, not now, not ever.

"you're really quiet, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he nodded, nothing he said could rightfully prove what he was feeling. All he could do, his little acts of affection, he rested his head on her shoulder.

"Don't you think your nurse is looking for you?" Usagi asked kindly, her hand found its way to his knee, "you should get back."

"Not yet." he said, "let me stay, just for a while."

How could she say no to him?


She wanted to make him feel better; Lord only knows why.

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