Prologue : Hela's Banishment

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---5200 years ago---

After the successful raid, the air was filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement. As the aroma of the evening meal wafted through the corridors of the royal palace, you found yourself in the kitchen, diligently preparing dinner for the entire royal family. The rhythmic chopping of vegetables and sizzling of meat filled the air, creating a symphony of culinary delights.

Just as you were engrossed in your task, Heimdall's voice broke through the bustling ambiance.

"(Y/N), I was informed by Princess Hela that she is looking for you," he informed you with a sense of urgency.

Without hesitation, you quickly wiped your hands clean and made your way towards Hela's chambers.

Heimdall, too, had his own duties to attend to and went off in a different direction. The corridors seemed to stretch endlessly as you walked briskly, eager to reach your destination.

Finally, you arrived at Hela's door and paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts. You knocked gently, signalling your presence.

"You called, your majesty?" you spoke, your voice filled with respect and curiosity.

Hela's voice, soft and alluring, invited you in.

"Yes, I did. You may enter," she responded, her words tinged with a hint of anticipation.

You pushed open the door and stepped into her sanctuary, the room adorned with intricate tapestries and delicate ornaments.

Hela stood before a grand mirror, her reflection casting a regal glow. As she turned to face you, her eyes met yours, and a genuine concern washed over her.

"Were you hurt after the raid, (Y/N)?" she asked, her delicate fingers gently brushing against your cheek.

"I'm fine, don't worry, your majesty," you assured her, your hand instinctively reaching for hers, guiding it downward. A flicker of discomfort crossed your face as you remembered the boundaries that separate your worlds.

"(Y/N), you can call me Hela when we're alone, remember?" Hela gently reminded you, her voice laced with a touch of longing.

"Forgive me, your majes- Hela," you corrected yourself, your gaze fixed on the ground. "But we shouldn't do this... Your father would strongly disapprove of you having a relationship with a servant."

Hela's determination sparkled in her eyes as she grasped your hand firmly, lifting it up.

"Then let's run away! Somewhere else, just the two of us!" she proposed, her voice filled with a mixture of rebellion and hope.

A bittersweet smile played on your lips as you turned away, torn between your loyalty to the throne and your love for Hela.

"I would love it too... but I'm afraid I'm loyal to the throne," you confessed, your voice filled with a hint of regret.

Hela nodded, her expression filled with understanding.

"Right... Then, when I become queen, I will remove that stupid rule, and you will propose to me that second," she declared, her voice brimming with determination.

A soft smile adorned your face as you met her gaze.

"I will await that day, Hela," you whispered, a glimmer of hope shining in your eyes.

With a sigh, Hela acknowledged the reality of the situation.

"That is all, (Y/N). I wish to have dinner in my room. And don't forget the desserts," she requested, her smile lighting up the room.

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