Ragnarok Part 1 : Hela's Return

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---5000 years later, Helas return---

As Thor and Loki departed for Midgard, you found solace in the quiet of your chamber. With a heavy heart, you took a moment to pray for Hela's survival, clutching the engagement ring in your hand. Its smooth metal surface glinted in the dim light, a constant reminder of your unwavering love and faith.

Gently spinning the ring around your palm, you whispered softly, "I know you'll return one day, Hela. I'm waiting for it..."

The weight of your words hung in the air, mingling with the anticipation that filled your heart.

Suddenly, the tranquility of your prayers was shattered by a loud knock on your door. Startled, you hurriedly opened it, finding Heimdall standing before you, his face filled with urgency. His presence alone sent a ripple of unease through your veins.

"Uhm... Heimdall? Is something happening?" you questioned, your voice laced with concern.

"Yes, something unexpected is unfolding. Suit up, (Y/N). We need your assistance," Heimdall's words were swift and commanding, leaving little room for further inquiry.

With that, he turned and swiftly made his way towards the commotion, leaving you with no choice but to follow.

Racing to your locker, you flung it open, the metallic clang echoing through the room. As you grabbed your gear, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation coursed through your veins. The weight of responsibility settled upon your shoulders, and you knew that this moment would test your skills and determination.

Fully suited up, you rushed towards the source of the commotion, your senses heightened. The sound of battle grew louder with each passing step, filling the air with a cacophony of yells and clashing blades.

Emerging onto the balcony, you surveyed the scene below. The sight that greeted you sent a jolt of adrenaline through your veins. An unknown assailant engaged in combat with Asgardian guards, their movements swift and fluid.

Without a moment's hesitation, you leaped into action, swinging down from the balcony with practiced ease. The rush of wind whipped through your hair as you closed the distance between yourself and the attacker, your heart pounding in your chest.

Engaging in a flurry of quick and precise movements, you slashed at the assailant, only to be met with their deft counters. Each strike was met with an unnerving familiarity, as if they could anticipate your every move. The realization sent a chill down your spine, but you couldn't let it deter you.

Time seemed to slow as you exchanged blows, your instincts guiding your every movement. The dance of blades continued, a deadly symphony of skill and determination. As you fought, a single question burned in your mind— who was this adversary, and how did they possess such intimate knowledge of your combat style?

With every strike, the clash of blades, and the undeniable connection between you and Hela, the pieces of your past began to fall into place. As you dropped your scythe and your mouth fell open in astonishment, a glimmer of hope flickered in Hela's eyes.

"(Y/N)...?" she whispered, her voice filled with disbelief and longing.

"Hela!" Tears spilled from your eyes as you abandoned all caution, sprinting toward her with abandon.

The world around you faded into a blur as you closed the distance, finally crashing into her arms. It was a reunion filled with overwhelming emotions, a mix of joy, relief, and a tinge of sadness for the years that had been stolen from you both.

Hela, too, let her guard down, summoning a wall of swords from the ground to shield you both from prying eyes. As she held you close, you felt the strength drain from your legs, but her presence provided an anchor that kept you upright. The warmth of her touch, the familiar scent that enveloped you, reassured you that this was real.

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