Ragnarok Part 2 : Bonds Rebuild

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After a proper nap and a bath, Hela walks towards the Bifrost Gate only to find the sword gone.

"(Y/N)... where's the sword... " asked Hela

"Heimdall... " you mutter in annoyance

"We need that sword, find him!" Hela storms off but you catch her.

"no, wait wait... I... have an idea... " you spoke to lower her stress.

Hela stops and glances at you from the side.

"You haven't eaten anything, right? Want to eat your favourite dessert?" you suggested.

"You do know how to make a woman happy, do you, dear?" Hela smiled at you.

You chuckle and hold her hand to walk back to the palace.

back at the palace, Hela sits down at the dining table while you head to the kitchen. Waiting for you, Hela remembered an old memory.

---Hela's memory, 6000 years ago---

The sun bathed the vast field in a golden glow, casting long shadows that danced and shifted with each passing breeze.

Hela's laughter echoed through the air as she ran alongside Fenris, the two of them engaged in a playful game of chase.

You observed the scene from a distance, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.

Suddenly, the serenity of the moment was interrupted by the arrival of Odin, accompanied by you. Hela's playful expression faded, replaced by annoyance as she reluctantly halted her game with Fenris. She stood up, her gaze fixed on her father with a mixture of defiance and curiosity.

"Daughter, I'm sure you've seen him around the palace. This is (Y/N), and I've appointed him as your personal trainer and servant," Odin announced, his voice carrying a hint of pride.

You approached Hela with a respectful bow, offering her a hand to shake. However, she crossed her arms and puffed out her chest, dismissing your gesture with indifference. Her rebellious nature was evident, and you knew that gaining her trust and respect would not be an easy task.

"Now, now Hela, that is not how you should treat (Y/N) here," Odin warned gently, his voice filled with fatherly concern.

"It's no problem, my King. As long as she listens to me while training, it would be enough," you assured Odin, your eyes meeting Hela's for a brief moment.

Odin chuckled, clearly pleased with your response. "That's what I like about you, (Y/N). I hope you can teach Hela some of that kindness."

"I will try my best," you smiled, your determination shining through.

With a nod of approval from Odin, he bid you both farewell and departed. As he walked away, you bowed respectfully while Hela rolled her eyes in exasperation. The tension between you remained palpable, but you refused to let it deter you from your purpose.

"Shall we start training, your majesty?" you asked, maintaining a respectful tone despite the coldness in Hela's demeanor.

"Just hurry up. I want to play with Fenris," she replied curtly, her impatience evident.

A mischievous glint sparkled in your eyes as an idea formed in your mind. "Then, why don't we play now? Can you please call Fenris here?"

Hela narrowed her eyes suspiciously but called Fenris over nonetheless. You knelt down, murmuring a spell under your breath, infusing Fenris with a magical aura.

Once the spell was complete, you turned to face Hela, a smirk playing on your lips. "Why don't we play a game of tag?"

"Tag? I thought we would be training, not playing like kids," Hela remarked, a mixture of confusion and mockery in her voice.

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