Endgame Part 2 : Deathless Love

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The Palace, once a bastion of order and grandeur, now stands as a haunting reflection of Hela's shattered heart. The walls bear scars of her fury, remnants of the countless objects she has mercilessly destroyed in her anguish.

The Throne Room, once a symbol of power and authority, has been reduced to a mere shell of its former glory. The once majestic throne sits abandoned, a stark reminder of Hela's reluctance to claim her birthright as Queen.

For what is the purpose of ruling without the one she holds dear?

With heavy steps, Hela walks through the desolate halls, each one echoing with the weight of her sorrow. Memories of your last moments together flood her mind, filling her with a bittersweet ache.

She can almost feel the warmth of your touch, the way your laughter mingled with hers, and the sense of security she found in your embrace. A single tear escapes her eyes, a crystalline testament to the love that still burns within her.

In the darkest depths of her grief, Hela has contemplated ending her own life, a desperate attempt to be reunited with you. But she knows deep down that it would not bring you pride or solace.

And so, she clings to every reminder of you, holding on tightly to the fragments of your existence. Your coat, once enveloping her in warmth, becomes her shield against the biting cold of loneliness.

The scythe, a weapon you wielded with strength and grace, now serves as a conduit for her to channel your spirit. And then there are your personal effects, like a sacred relic, she cherishes your ring every second.

Yet, amidst the suffocating darkness, there is one thing that brings a flicker of a smile to Hela's face. The aroma of chocolate and matcha wafts through the air, guiding her to the source of comfort and solace.

In the kitchen, she meticulously follows the recipe you once taught her, blending the ingredients with care and precision.

The act of baking her favorite cake allows her to relive the lessons you imparted, each step a delicate dance of remembrance. As the scent of the cake fills the air, she can almost feel your presence beside her, guiding her hands, and whispering words of encouragement.

For Hela, this is her lifeline, a tangible connection to the love she holds so dear. And so, she continues to create the chocolate matcha cake, pouring her heart and soul into every slice.

With each bite, she tastes the sweetness of your memory, savoring the moments they shared together. It is a bittersweet tribute, a way to honor your legacy, and keep your spirit alive within her.

Hela stood on her bedroom balcony, her gaze fixed upon the starry expanse above. It was a nightly ritual she had come to cherish, a moment of solace in the midst of her overwhelming grief.

With each twinkle of a star, she imagined a connection to you, a silent conversation taking place across the vastness of the universe.

As the wind whispered through the night, Hela yearned for your response.

"I made my favorite cake, dear," she murmured softly, her voice carrying a hint of longing. "What do you think about it?"

But the only response she received was the melancholic symphony of the breeze. She was alone, and the weight of solitude settled heavily upon her fragile heart.

A pang of doubt crept into Hela's thoughts. "I think it tastes quite nice, but is it missing something?"

The silence surrounding her offered no answers, but in her mind, she could almost hear your voice.

"Hmm... too much matcha, perhaps?" she pondered, a faint smile gracing her lips. "Thank you, dear."

Placing the cake on the balcony table, Hela returned her attention to the stars. They were her constant companions, the only ones who witnessed her unspoken conversations with you.

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