Tyler and Kayla (part 5!!!)

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Tyler is not ticklish in this part!! Just did a tickle fight since someone wanted it!! Now he's not. But anyway enjoy!!!

"I'm gonna do something that might make you a cute laughing mess" he says as he wiggles his finger over her stomach. Kayla sucks in her stomach and tries to cover it "no no Tyler don't do whatever it is that you're planning!!" Tyler's hands get closer......

Tyler's hands get closer as he quickly grabs Kayla's arms and holds them over her head then blows a long wet raspberry in the middle of her stomach. No one has ever given Kayla a raspberry like that on her stomach as he erupts with laughter, "FUHAHHCKK!!! HHAHAHAHA OHHAHA MY GOHOHOSHHH!!!" Kayla tries to pull down her arms but then Tyler stops for a second, smirking "wow I didn't expect you to laugh that much haha"

Kayla doesn't get a chance to say anything back because she's cut off by Tyler blowing a raspberry on her ribs as his fingers dig into her armpits. Kayla squirms around with her arms on her sides "TYLHAHAHAEERRR!! PLEAHAHAHAHSSEEEE STHOHOHOHOHPPP!!!!!" Tyler smiles as he continues blowing raspberries all around her belly. Kayla goes silent as he continues then catches her breath as he stops

At least until he goes to her neck and blows a raspberry, Kayla moves her neck to her side as she squeals with laughter "AAAAAAAHHHHH HAHAHAHA TYLHAHAHAHAHEEERRR!!! IM GOHOHOHONNAAA KILLLL YOHOHOHOHOUUU!! Tyler pretends to looks hurt as he looks at her until he smiles "oh miss ticklish Kayla you're in for a lot of tickling tonight and I mean. A. Lot." Tyler grabs her wrists then kisses all over her stomach. She giggles uncontrollably "hehehe tyleheheherr!!!"

He smiles and looks at her "you're so ticklish my love". She blushes at the nickname and then tries to think of a plan to get away "awwww well maybe you get your ticklish love a blanket. I'm cold" Kayla pretends to shiver as Tyler gets up to go get her a blanket. Kayla thinks it's her chance as Tyler got far away enough. Kayla stood up and quickly ran out the room "BYEEEE MY HANDSOME TICKLERRR"

"KAYLAAA GET BACK HERE SO I CAN TICKLE YOU!!!" Kayla quickly runs around the house until Tyler reaches her in the living room as she stands on one stand on the couch and he's on the other. "You know you could just come to me and I could make you so happy by tickling you" he says smirking as Kayla blushes "I'm not going anywhere near you!!!" She says as she tries to run from one side but gets stuck from Tyler until she realizes she's trapped. Kayla backs away from Tyler "Ty-ty-Tyler...we can t-talk about t-this!!!!" Tyler says with the same smirk on his face as he moves to her

Hope you enjoyed!!! Sorry it's short!!

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