12 | in the middle of the hand-to-hand training

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Metal zipping filled the air as Y/n flew through the forest. Her eyes looked left and right, spotting a titan dummy not too far. She found one, quickly slaying it on her way ahead — she heard Sasha yell at her for stealing her kill, but Y/n didn't bother turning around.

Another Titan dummy, though a few people had spotted that one. Annie flew in first, cutting deep right in the middle. Bertoldt followed, cutting one under hers, then Jean — his wasn't as deep — and then Y/n, cutting a deep one right on top of everyone's.

Her eyes fell on another dummy not too far. ''Jean, come on!'' Y/n yelled at him and zipped away from Annie and Bertoldt; looking over her shoulder, she noticed Jean following right after. ''We can try the move!''

It had been an accident the first time they'd done it, but after some practice, they'd practically mastered it — Y/n would come from one side while Jean came from the other, each of them cutting through the titan nape with only one sword, though still cutting the nape efficiently. It was a risky move, yes, but it was fun. Walls knew they needed to have some fun these days.

Jean's blade cut through the nape at the same time as Y/n's, each of them flying to the opposite side they'd come from. ''We got it!''

Shadis stood on a tree nearby, observing and writing.

Jean Kirstein. His three-dimensional maneuvers are top-class, but his hotheaded nature tends to cause discord. The only person he can work well with seems to be L/n.

Y/n looked to her left, spotting another dummy. ''There's another one there! I'll get it before you, Moron Kirstein!''


Y/n L/n. Amazing three-dimensional maneuver skills, top-tier team work abilities. However, her competitive and childish nature might be an issue.

Jean flew behind Y/n, his gaze fixated on her hair. I'm no match for their slashing abilities. I'll just have to spot the Titans first, but Y/n always beats me to that, too! He tried to speed up, but Y/n was too far ahead now. I'm going to enlist in the Military Police Brigade! I have to go with Y/n!

The two made it to the untouched titan dummy and Jean smirked — he still had a chance to steal the kill from Y/n.

''Thanks, Jean, Y/n!'' Both of them looked up as Connie flew down from the trees. ''Following you two was a good call!''

The nape was sliced before Connie could even raise his blades. Sasha flew past the three, a huge smile on her face. ''I got it!''

''Hey!'' Y/n yelled, hovering in the air. ''That was my kill!''

''Don't be a sore loser, Y/n!'' Sasha called as she launched herself in the air, laughing cheerfully. Despite the annoyance she felt, Y/n couldn't help but smile as she watched her three closest friends bicker in the air.


''Why am I always partnered with you?''

''What, you'd rather be partnered with Annie?'' Jean frantically looked around, making sure the blonde isn't listening in again.

Y/n laughed. ''She's not gonna eat you, dumbass.''

Jean rolled his eyes. ''Yeah, you're saying that because you're kinda friendly with her. She hates me!''

''Friendly is a strong word.'' Y/n rolled her shoulders, raising her fists up. ''Come on, Horse Face, bring it—''

Jean had tackled her before she could even finish her sentence, straddling her and pinning her hands to her side, while bringing the wooden knife to her throat, winning the round. ''There.''

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now