2- Plan

194 15 16

" ikr? "


Taehyung 's pov when Jennie left with Jisoo at the canteen......

What the hell!!!!! She is saving that dumbhead and lecturing me, How could she!!!!? And what she said she will never accept me?? Well... That's up to fate babe, And I'm pretty sure that Fate is with me.

I was standing there, still in my thoughts, the crowd had left. When JungKook came to me.

"Hey bro" Jungkook said taking a seat infront of me as I also took a seat.

We ordered our coffees.We had a conversation and I shared all my thoughts to him, well he is my best friend anyway.

"ohh, so you mean you want Jennie to
accept you, Right? But for that she should also have to feel the same."He said sipping a coffee.

" I know, she do but she is not accepting it.

See there was no one with me since childhood,no family, no love, not care, no doubt I was born with silver spoons but there was no one to love me my father and mother both would be busy all the time, I was literally grown up surrounded by maids. No family time. No love. Now when I am finally in love with a girl, she is not accepting it."

" I have a wonderful idea" Jungkook said breaking the silence.

"what"I asked.

" Follow the same idea as me"

" huhh!!? "

" See, As you know I am using Lisa to get back to Sana ,you know how, Sana will get jealous by seeing lisa with me and one day after loosing her patience , Sana, my ex will not be my ex anymore and lisa my so called girlfriend will not be my girlfriend anymore, Sana will come back
to me-"
I cutted of Jungkook by saying

"oh my God, why are telling all of this to me when I am asking you about myself."

"Are you dumb or what, have patience, what I am telling is that, you can use some other girl just like me, to make Jennie jealous. "He said.

"But who" I questioned.

"Let me think" he said.

."Hyung!!"He said breaking the silence.

"Yes? "

"You can use Jisoo shi"
I frowned at the name of her.

" Out of all the girls why only that dumb head!!!?" I asked

" Firstly, I have seen her sighing when you were proposing Jennie which means that she may have a crush on you which makes it easier for you to use her.

Secondly, if you would choose any other girl, after you break up with that girl, she may humiliate you, insult you and maybe in public, so your impression on campus would go down, but if you use Jisoo, she will not say anything because of her social anxiety, probably just cry and go.
Incase, even if she talks back which I think is impossible, incase she does, no one will believe her."

"Yeah, right, I didn't thought you were this smart. "

"haha not funny "He said

" So, when to start?"

"Tomorrow !?"he asked

"It's so early"I exclaimed

"Want Jennie or not? "he asked

"Ugh OK"

I groaned..

Next day


End of the chapter

Well!!! This is getting interesting isn't it!?

What do you think will happen today?

Will Taehyung be able to succeed!?

Will Jisoo reject Tae or accept Tae?

Vote please:)🥺


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