Chapter 4: September 1990- August 1991

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Severus Snape, Potions professor at Hogwarts, widowed husband of Lolly Black and the father of four girls.  How difficult can his life be?  Well I guess you haven't met the snape twins yet or seen the sisters at hogwarts. 

Star welburga Black was the first of the four sisters to go to Hogwarts in September 1990. Severus was worried for more reasons than one. First, his oldest daughter (the daughter everyone knows about) is no longer going to be hidden away and protected. Second, Severus had no idea how Star was going react to Hogwarts. It could all go horribly wrong. Finally, Star could get bullied for her ….. mental state. But despite these worries, Severus had to let her go to Hogwarts. He had no choice.

He sure as hell was going to keep her protected as long as he could though so of course he didn't let her go on the train by herself.  No instead, he apparated with her to Hogwarts early that morning. He sat her in his room with a yellow box to entertain her. 

He was trying to keep her away from the professors and the platinum chaos that is Albus Dumbledore's daughter until the sorting. That of course didn't work. As soon as she found out Severus was back at Hogwarts (around 1pm) the 10/nearly 11 year old rushed into the potions classroom wearing a sunflower dress Albus clearly put her in to welcome the new students. “Sev! Sev! Sevvy Sevvy Snape Snape! I know your he- oh heyo. I'm Abby. Are you going to start Hogwarts this year? Why aren't you on the train? Are you Snape's daughter? Star i think dad said” Abby called out for Snape before spotting Star.  Star, of course, didn't notice Abby until her name was called but as soon as she did she started talking and introducing the box  “hello, im Star. Dada gave me a box. I don't need a box but I got one. It's yellow. I like yellow. Yellow reminds me of the sun. Do you like yellow?” so they got chatting about colours and Severus couldn't stop it. 

At around 5pm, the rest of the Hogwarts students finally arrived and Severus had no choice but to let Star go to the group of first years, outside the great hall, to wait to be sorted. All the first year students were now in their uniform or they were meant to be anyway. The uniform conceited of:

 A plain white button-up shirt, 

A dark grey knitted v-neck sweater, a cardigan or a sleeveless sweater vest 

Dark grey trousers, or a skirt around knee-length

Black tights or stockings (with skirt)

Black shoes

Dark grey socks

Black school robes 

Then after you are sorted the colour of your house will get added to your robes and vest and you’ll get a tie. But not all the students were wearing the current uniform, for example some students were wearing a black t-shirt and were wearing button-up shirt like a jacket. Some students didn't even put their uniform on at all. Star was wearing a white button up shirt, a grey knee length skirt, black tights, black shoes, a dark grey fashioned cardigan, black school robes and a rainbow beanie on her head that she never takes off. 

After a while the doors to the great all finally opened up and an old looking lady led everyone inside before telling them to stand in front of a stool with a hat on top of it. 

Suddenly the hat started to sing which made the muggle raised people shocked. Star giggled at it. 

“Oh,you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,
Your tops hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell brave of heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;

Or yet wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achive their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And you won't get in a flap!
You're safe in my hands(though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!!” 

The room filled with loud clapping and cheers from everyone in the room as the hat finished singing. The clapping soon stopped as the old lady started talking "When I call your name, sit on the stool and the sorting hat will place on your head". 

“Belby, Marcus”


“Bell, Katie” 


“Black, Emberlynn” 


“Carmichael, Eddie”


“Chang, Cho” 


“Dunbar, Fay”


“Edgecombe, Marietta”


“Hopkins, Carl”


“McLaggen, Cormac” 


“Snape, Star” 

Star heads her name be called and skipped to the stool. Whispers filled the room. “So that's Snape's daughter?”/”wait Snape has a daughter?”/”why is she skipping”. Star quickly sat on the stool and waited for the hat to be placed on her head but then the old lady kneeled next to her and said in a kind tone “You need to take the hat of dear” befire standing up again. Star slowly took off her beanie to reveal short meassie black hair. People laughed at her hair but the laughter made Star giggle. The sorting hat was placed on her head. It didn't take long before yelling out Hufflepuff.  The hat was taken off her head and she put the beanie back on but she stayed sat on the stool confused on what Hufflepuff was. So the lady whispered “yellow table” star's face brightened and she ran to the yellow table. 

Star ended up sitting next to a bubbly,  2nd year girl with black hair in a ponytail (with two slithers at the front) wearing the school shirt and skirt. "Hi I'm Alya Black. Welcome to huf---- oh looks the foods out" The girl, Alya, had said before feasting on the food. 

The only other thing Star could remember from her first year was the fact that Emberlynn black stopped going to 1st year classes and started attending 2nd year classes with Alya and Celestia. So I guess the rest of the year was good? 

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