Chapter twenty one

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“Are you okay?” Dennis said to the woman who kept pacing around the room. “Listen, I know you are worked up about your visit to the witches’ coven tonight but think about the bright side, if you succeed, you will be able to find a solution to this whole problem.”
Genevieve ignored the man and finally sat down on her favorite sofa, her mind was running in circles but she doesn’t know exactly what to do. The door opened and Martha walked in. “Genevieve, dear, what is it?”
Dennis sighed and explained to the woman when Genevieve said nothing after a while. “The High Chiefs and the High Howlers are visiting the witches’ coven tonight.”
“Oh, but it’s something that have already been agreed upon since two weeks ago. Why are you worried?”
“You don’t understand, mother, something doesn’t feel right. Why is the High Howlers suggesting we meet other witches to tell us what was going on but they readily agreed to that other Melissa who told them to kill Edward?”
“When will you stop throwing blames, you were part of the people who killed him,” Dennis rolled his eyes. However, a hand was strangling him the next second as he was smacked and pinned on a wall, his feet hanging on air. He looked at his mate with surprise and fear as he licked his lips, his eyes then going to his mother-in-law, the one who always, always save him.
“How dare you speak to me like that?” Genevieve growled.
“Oh come on Genevieve, this again?” Martha rolled her eyes. “Let go of him immediately. You may be older and stronger than him, but he is still your male. When are you going to quench this crush of yours on Edward and finally see Dennis for who he is?”
“I don’t bear any crush for Edward anymore, he dumped me for a stupid night howler who has no strength compared to me. I just can’t believe that the moon goddess would mate me to this weakling. I would have preferred a human for all I care.”
“A human that won’t have any strong power except a pair of fangs and claws. You are just a second generation, you can’t make a human as strong as me, take a look at the human mates of the other second generations,” Martha hissed. “Dennis is strong for a male, you are just too greedy because not even the second generation males could be as strong to your satisfaction and that means there is only one being is this whole world that would be up to your match. And sadly, just like Dennis said, you teamed up and killed him.”
“Mother,” Genevieve yelled and turned to her mother, releasing Dennis from her hold then and the young man massaged his neck while coughing. “I am definitely not in the mood for this,” she said and without another world, she sprinted out of the room.
Martha sighed and glanced at the young man that was now left with her. “I’m sorry, I thought she was coming around.”
“She was coming around but after that meeting with the High Howlers, she went back to how she used to be. But don’t worry mother, the mating mark would get to her soon.”
“You are a nice man, Dennis, I just hope she sees that before her taste for power ruins her,” the woman sighed and shook her head, walking out of the room.
“The rogues are attacking,” Rasmus said as he walked into the house.
“Again?” Sean and Steven asked at the same time before sharing a look. “Is it just me or does it seem like Black Wind pack is always attacked these days?” Sean pondered.
“I have been wondering the same thing,” Rasmus said. His eyes went to the locked room where Irene was kept and he sighed. “It’s been five days since she attacked Aliyah and in those five days, the rogues and walkers have been attacking here endlessly.”
“Do you think that the woman is working with the demon king and while controlling Irene had found out where we are?” Sean asked. None of them could answer that but they were leaning to the very fact.
“I have to go help,” Steven said, “no matter what we must never let them find her,” his gaze went to the room Aliyah was resting in. “Never.”
“I’m coming with you,” Sean offered.
“I will stay here, the sun won’t let me join but it’s for the best this time, someone needs to keep an eye on them,” Rasmus said. Steven and Sean nodded before leaving the house. Rasmus went and stood in front of the door that Irene was in. It’s been weeks since the fight with that woman, why hasn’t she woken up? Could it be that the woman trapped her soul somewhere in other to be controlling her body? He couldn’t come to a definite answer and so he just placed his forehead on the door and whispered, “please Irene, wake up.”
Meanwhile, in a dark room, a woman sat and watched him through the crystal ball. “Hmm, interesting, the nightwalker has fallen in love with the witch, what a twist of fate,” she chuckled. “Should I summon her? Tell me nightwalker, can you hurt the woman you love to protect your master’s mate or would you sacrifice her to save the one you love?” she chuckled evilly and licked her pale lips, “that would be a nice thing to watch but there is no need to rush, I have a better idea. Guess it’s time to meet with the fake demon king again, he needs me now.” And with that, she vanished from the room, appearing later in what looked like a throne room and she walked over to the throne and caressed the fine carvings on it, “soon, very soon,” she smiled and walked around to sit on it.
It wasn’t long, the big doors opened and Kaiden walked in, his black eyes revealed a slight shock on seeing the woman but he didn’t stop. “It’s been a long time, I thought you wouldn’t be coming to pester me again,” he said.
“Pester you? No my dear Prince, I don’t pester people, I wait till they need me before granting them their upmost desire and then taking that which they love the most.”
“Well, I do need you but you are wrong, there is nothing I love anymore. The one whom I loved the most was taken from me, so there is nothing you can ask of me now.”
“Oh but there is. You have always wanted to be King, haven’t your prince Kaiden? Sadly, you father favored your youngest brother and then made him his crowned prince, rubbing you off your birthright and now, you want to claim it back in every which way. But even if you get the throne, he still took something from you, the one whom you love the most and to get back at him, you want to cut out the heart of his beloved. But then, who would have expected the fate to change, he died but before doing so, he had conceived a rival, a rival that not only would be stronger than you but would dethrone you, just like he did.”
“Who are you?” Kaiden asked, shocked at everything the woman was saying.
The woman raised her hooded head and her pale lips smirked. “So, there is something you love, something you love more than your lost love. The throne,” she chuckled. “You wanted this throne so badly that your black heart called to me and now, here we are.”
“What are you talking about?” Kaiden frowned.
“Come on Prince Kaiden, you know everything I am talking about. You died at the sword of your youngest brother but your soul had such hatred and darkness that you couldn’t just leave and so you hovered around the world as a ghoul and eventually, I found you and gave you this body. You grew up, forgetting about your mission but then again, your youngest brother came, rubbing you off of your happiness once more and with that pain, your past memory was triggered, and then, here you are.”
Kaiden grabbed his head as a terrible headache held him, “what on earth are you talking about?”
“You know what I am talking about, you clearly remember your human life now but you don’t remember your wanderings as a black lost soul, but that is okay, I remember and I should say that I am proud of how dark you have become. Now, you are the only one fit for the name the Dark prince, but who is to take it from you? You can be it, but this time, it would be The Dark King.”
“No, I am the Demon king, that and nothing else.”
“But the demon fire rejects you and no matter how hard you try, it will never come to you. Look at you, you are becoming the ghost of yourself because of the pain you are forcing yourself to endure. I know a way that you don’t have to kill yourself but still have your revenge. I know where your princess is, I can help you get her and you can kill her and cut out the heart of your little nephew, making you the strongest demon on earth.”
“What do you want in return?”
“The demon throne,” the woman smiled but her smile turned into a dangerous smirk soon after, “and of course, your heart.”

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